Page 52 of The Don
“Yes, sir.” I slam my fist into his mouth. The cracking of bones makes me smile.
I turn to Bruno. “And you know nothing?” He nods furiously. I slam two into his face, causing him to lose his balance and tilt over. “Are you sure?”
“All I know is he’s working with the Fallen and has asked a few of us if we wanna go with him. I said no. I promise, I said no,” Bruno says, begging for his life. He rights himself upward, and I smash into his gut, winding him. “I don’t know nothin’,” he screams at me.
I turn to Matthew who’s watching in horror as I lay into Bruno. “What do you know about Eliza?”
Matthew gulps and instantly averts his eyes. “There’s been talk about what he used to do to her.”
“Which is what?” I ask as I stand back and roll my shoulders.
“He used to sell her to his men. They’d use her whatever way they wanted then return her to him.”
My heartbeat races as I listen to his words. I turn to Bruno. “What exactly did you hear?”
“Fuck you, I should’ve gone with Adrian, at least he looks after his men.” Bruno spits blood onto the floor. This fucker thinks he can come to my home and disrespect me.
I step back and take the knuckle-dusters off. “You’re right, you should’ve gone with Adrian.” I walk over to the utility shelf and retrieve a pocketknife.
“Fuck you!” Bruno screams.
Fucking boys. “What do you know about Eliza, Bruno?”
I flick the knife over in my hand several times.
“I heard she has a great tight cunt.”
“Shut up, man,” Matthew tries to warn.
“He’s gonna kill us anyway.” Bruno’s eye is beginning to swell so he has to tilt his head to see out of it.
“What else?” I round the two of them, waiting to see who’s going to give me the information I need.
“The men treated her like she deserved to be treated,” Bruno says.
“What have you heard?” I ask Matthew.
“Only what Bruno told me.”
“Fuck you, too.” Bruno spits blood at Matthew. “Adrian’s men told us all what a great fuck she was. She was offered to me too.”
“Bullshit,” Matthew says. “They never spoke to us, it was whispers, that’s all.”
“Who cares, if he did offer I’d fuck her,” Bruno says.
I walk behind him and slice his throat. Bruno collapses to the floor, blood leaking out of his neck like water. The ground beneath Matthew puddles with a yellow liquid. The fucker pissed himself. “This is your only warning, Matthew. If I hear you’ve ever disrespected any woman, including mine, I’ll fucking gut you.”
“I won’t,” he adamantly says. “I won’t.”
I wipe the blood off the knife on my shirt sleeve while staring at Matthew. “I’ll slaughter your entire family, mother, father, brothers or sisters. Even your fucking dog, all in front of you before I drive this very blade into your gut.” I walk over to Dante and say, “Get the boys to drop Matthew on his corner.” Everyone needs to see I’ve made Matthew an example. Fuck with me, and die.
“Yes, sir.” He steps aside for me to leave.
I look at the heap of shit on the floor and look toward Dante. “I’m done with him.” I head back up to the house. When I enter, Maria sees me covered in blood and lowers her chin. “Signore, Miss Eliza is up in your room with the dog,” she says.
“Thank you.” I head up to my suite and find Eliza lying on the bed with Storm beside her as she reads a book from her library. She glances at me when I walk into the room, then takes a panicked double take. She jumps to her feet and rushes over to me. “I’m fine.”
“But you’re covered in blood. What happened?” Eliza tears my shirt open and checks the wound. “Wait, you’re not bleeding. What happened?” She takes a step backward as she continues to scan her eyes over my torso.