Page 33 of One Last Touch
Everywhere I moved the next day, Sage was there. He was like a not entirely unwelcome, but completely unruly, shadow. I would round a corner and there he was, leaning in the doorway as if he’d known exactly where I’d be, then his eyes would drop to my lips and he would straighten where he was standing as if in anticipation. Of course, I would then hurry in the opposite direction only to find him reclining casually in an armchair by an empty grate, or sat at the kitchen table with his legs kicked up. It was maddening.
Every time, that same reaction, the slow perusal that made me feel as hot as if his hands were following the path his eyes were taking. The problem was that I didn’t want to say no to him. I wanted his hands on me so badly that by the time it hit mid-day, I was exhausted from running from him and imagining all the things he might do to me with his talented tongue. I shivered as I put on a load of washing and then jumped when I looked up and found Sage watching me from the doorway.
Slowly, he rolled up one sleeve and then the other before sticking one hand in his pocket and leaning his other arm above his head against the doorway. I was staring. I knew it, he knew it—and he had clearly done it on purpose. Was he just trying to tempt me all day, wear me down? Surely a good fuck wasn’t worth the price of his life?
Though, what kind of life is it to be trapped in this house, unchanging, alone, forever. I shook the thought off. That wasn’t the point. We had bigger things to focus on and—
Sage stretched, turning and offering me a glimpse of the pale skin of his side when his jumper rode up beneath his overalls.
“Do they come off?” I closed my eyes, inwardly berating myself. Now I’d gone and done it.
“My clothes?” he said dryly. “I’d be more than happy to show you.”
“Who knew ghosts could be so horny,” I muttered and he smirked like he heard.
“You were the one who asked.” He blinked innocently at me but his eyes were heated, his full lips parted and I swallowed hard.
“Yes, well, we have bigger—”
Sage prowled forward and I fumbled my words.
“Bigger?” he taunted and I gaped.
“Um, bigger—problems,” I gasped the word as he leaned past me, his cheek brushing mine as he caged me in with his arms, straightening something on the countertop that I didn’t even glance at as I focused all my attention on breathing.
“Oh definitely,” he agreed, pulling back and leaning against the counter in front of me. “But I think better with a clear head and right now all my thoughts…” His voice was low in my ear as he moved closer, “...are occupied by you.”
He raised a good point. I’d spent most of today trying to avoid him, trying not to think about how good it’d felt when he’d kissed me last night. Plus, I’d missed having him in my bed. The room felt too empty without him, as if the echoes in the space he’d left behind were louder in his absence.
“What are you suggesting?”
The slow grin on his face was one of triumph as he shrugged one shoulder casually. “Oh, I don’t know, I’m just so spoilt for choice.”
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help privately agreeing. “Well, what’s at the top of your list?”
“You could ride me.”
“Basic.” That seemed like every guy’s fantasy, usually so they could sit back while you did all the work and they came about ten seconds in.
He raised an eyebrow. “No, no, you misunderstand.”
“I think you were pretty clear.”
“Let me be crystal, then. I want you to wrap your pretty thighs around my head and let me drown happily.”
I felt myself flush red. Nobody else that I’d ever slept with had spoken to me this way. He continued on, watching my reaction attentively and if I didn’t know better, I would have said he enjoyed making me squirm.
“I mean, I don’t need to breathe, I don’t ever get tired…” He took half a step closer and his lips hovered just a breath away from mine. “I could make you feel so good.”
It felt like the kitchen had grown hotter by approximately ten degrees and while I would love to have him put his money where his mouth was…
“I have a better idea.”
His face radiated amusement, his eyes flashing green as he stepped back and the sunshine hit him. “I doubt that.”
“Okay, well, I have a safer idea.” Intrigue had him raising his eyebrows and I smirked as I walked past him. “Are you coming?”
“Hopefully,” he muttered as he followed me and I snickered, pushing through my bedroom door and sitting down on my bed. Sage followed but before he could sit I shook my head.