Page 47 of Captured Innocence
Things had turned out very differently than I’d anticipated years before. I’d been a bitter fool after my father’s death, blaming D’Artagnan when he’d been the one to save my life. It had taken me months to pledge my allegiance to him, but in the end, working together had created a much more powerful empire.
“We have an issue,” my brother snarled then fisted his hand, his brow furrowing. While he and I had sparred over the years, my distaste for bringing a stable boy into our famiglia, he’d proven his worth, allowing for my continued loyalty. In turn, I held an empire of my own, controlling every aspect of both our legitimate and more lucrative business in several countries.
And I did so with an iron fist.
I also held a seat at the Five Families’ table along with Enzo DeLuca at D’Artagnan’s insistence, the old regimes soon to be a thing of the past. Even Dar’s wife, the lovely and very talented Lucia was considered a consulting member of the famiglia. It was a good time to be alive, even though there would always be enemies determined to take a part of our lucrative territory.
Italy was still in significant control of the majority of mafia syndicates, almost every other country little more than a representation of our business model. The original Five Families had taken recent hits, but with the changes made, every regime was more powerful than before.
“That much I could tell. What is it? The Russians rearing their ugly heads again? The hacker causing issues?” The Bratva out of Moscow had made two plays to crush Italy, the last time resulting in the Pakhan losing his life. Now his worthless son was in hiding, regrouping or so we’d heard through our sources. If the insect of a man showed himself again, I’d be the one to chop off his head, serving it up on a silver platter for his people to see.
“The hacker has been quite… formidable,” he said more in passing, which meant that wasn’t the situation he was worried about. However, it was something we’d need to deal with on a more formal basis at some point.
Given the nature of our business, computers played a significant role, our security systems tightened over the years but not enough that leaks weren’t continually occurring. A hacker had found a way in, certain information leaked on the dark web. While the details provided could be damaging, including offshore account numbers that I had no doubt had been found, it would seem the hacker was playing a game with us. Stepping in and leaving a signature, taking nothing more than a token. Merely to let us know they’d been there.
And to embarrass the fuck out of the most powerful crime syndicate in the world.
“Then if not our infamous hacker, what could be so troubling? Does this have anything to do with the Russians or the Brazilian Cartel?” While nothing was as I thought it would be after the alliance, I’d made good on using my contacts to provide a connection with the Brazilian diamond mines, allowing for additional trades to occur from other countries.
“I don’t know who but yes, our various suppliers are being threatened, our brokerage firm as well.” He planted his hands on his desk, taking a deep breath as he looked into my eyes. Hard. It was as if he was searching my soul for answers. He knew better than most I didn’t have a soul. However, not knowing the danger facing us was a death sentence, more so than normal.
“Okay. Then what’s the full issue?”
“Two things. Through several of our reliable sources, I received information that someone is attacking us from different sides, including through our diamond brokerage firm in America. Their maneuvers are clever, so much so that if we didn’t keep a tight hold, items would be missed.”
The lucrative diamond brokerage had been brought from the ground up then risen from the ashes after another attack. It was worth billions, our most prized legitimate business. “Meaning what? Leaking information?” I’d provided a report that indicated our sales had taken a hit, recommending he take a closer look. Evidently, his findings indicated I’d been right. It wasn’t something I was happy about.
“Not that I can tell. However, our sources are drying up. We’re being refused shipments. To that end, Enzo left for the States yesterday to try and find out the person or corporation behind the threats. You can make contact with your people as well, but I have a feeling they won’t tell you anything.”
“They’re being threatened.”
“It looks that way. We’ve been through this before, but I don’t like where it’s headed. The person responsible is undermining our operations from the ground up instead of the other way around. Brilliant and dangerous.”
In truth, what he was describing was a typical day at the office, but sensing he was more concerned than usual raised my hackles. If the person found his way in through the ground floor, then the sky was the limit. The old adage worked far too well in this sense. “Fuck. Then we need to throw out a tempting web for them to climb into.”
“Yeah, but first things first. That leads us to the next and bigger issue,” he continued. “And right now, this needs to stay between you and me. Do you understand me?”
I walked closer, narrowing my eyes. There was nothing he didn’t tell Lucia. They were closer than any two people I’d ever known before. Her influence on the entire regime was highly respected, her adoration for Dar what freaking novels were made of.
For D’Artagnan to be this deeply concerned meant I should be as well.
“Talk to me, brother.”
When I called him by the familiar name, he usually grinned since we had a contemptuous relationship.
Not today. His face was grim, his eyes full of anger.
“Lucia’s sister is in danger.”
“Sophia?” I asked, taking a deep breath.
He nodded.
Jesus. Fucking Christ.
I was almost gutted with the news, a wave of anxiety tearing through me. A fleeting series of images rolled into the forefront of my mind, something I’d tried to avoid for months now.
Her face.