Page 59 of Captured Innocence
He was out of his mind if he believed for one second that I’d give him anything, let alone allow him to take anything from me. I lifted my leg, pressing it against him, arching my back so he was certain that I was complying with his repulsive needs. The kiss became more intense, the taste of him keeping my senses tingling.
Then I forced my body to relax, even moaning into the kiss as a good little girl would do, one that was completely and stupidly blind to his womanizing characteristics.
The moment I sensed him relaxing, I used the last of my strength, rolling him over and managing to break free of his hold. The second I snapped one arm under his jaw, using a move that could easily crush his windpipe, his eyes allowed me to see how delighted he was with my behavior.
My God. He’d anticipated my move, even allowing me to thrust him into this position. Fuck. Fuck.
“You bastard.”
He laughed and I pressed my arm down even harder.
“What the fuck?” The voice from behind was obviously one Mattia knew by the look on his face.
“Boss?” the guy asked, moving into my periphery of vision. Only then did I realize the man standing like a lurching vulture was the soldier who’d been with Mattia before. “Need help?” he teased.
Mattia took that minute to reverse the action, straddling my thighs and pitching both my arms against the concrete. “Stop, Sophia. This isn’t time for games.”
“Who said I was playing a game?” I hissed in retort.
“Jesus Christ.” He cupped my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheek where he’d punched me before. “You need to listen to me. Okay? We can continue this later.”
Why did I want to believe in his sincerity? “We’re not continuing anything, Mattia. Just leave me alone or take me home.”
“I can’t leave you alone, princess, and you know it. But you’re safe now. That’s all that matters. However, we need to get the fuck out of here. I assure you that I will take you home.”
I knew home meant back to Italy. I grimaced, cursing in Italian under my breath.
He gave me a hard look before turning his attention to the other man. “Vincenzo. Tell me they’re all fucking dead.”
“I think there are a couple vigilantes still out there, boss. They’re coming from everywhere. What the fuck is going on here?” The man tossed me a look.
Mattia swung his head around, glaring at his soldier. “Fuckin’ hunt them down. And where the hell are Luis and Carlo?”
“Cleaning up. We need to get to the truck or we’re going to be in shit trouble.”
“Trust me. There are dozens of them crawling through the camp,” I offered, having learnt that almost immediately. Whatever the fuckers were doing, this was a base of operation.
“Who are they?” Mattia snapped.
“I don’t know. French. Greek. Spanish. Russian.”
“Fuck. Then we have no time to waste. We’re leaving.” Mattia cursed under his breath in Italian before lowering his head toward me.
I peered into his eyes, uncertain what to think or how to act. When he lowered his head, his breathing as ragged as mine, I was certain he was going to kiss me a second time.
“If I let you go, are you going to play nice?” he asked.
“Fuck you.”
Chuckling, he got to his feet, throwing out his hand. “Come on, princess. Time to get you to a safer location. Then maybe you and I can spend quality time together much like before.”
Why did I have the feeling I wouldn’t be any safer with him? The man was little more than an animal.
“Jesus,” Vincenzo said as he hunkered down, studying my handiwork from before. “Not bad. Who the hell is this girl?” he asked as he lifted his head, giving me a nod of respect. Maybe I could tolerate Mattia’s soldier if nothing else.
“Trouble,” Mattia snarked.
“That’s right. You should see what happens when I’m really pissed off.” I couldn’t help but grin then saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. “Look out!”