Page 62 of Captured Innocence
Minutes later, I glanced into the rearview mirror, searching for any indication we’d been followed. Then my eyes drifted to Sophia as she peeled away Luis’s shirt, taking off the enemy soldier’s jacket and pressing it against the man’s wound. She was a natural, her stunning beauty not diminished in the least by the rough terrain or the brutal treatment she’d been through.
I had to admit that I was impressed as hell at the lengths she’d gone to in order to try to escape. Few women under the kind of duress she’d been under could ever rise to the occasion.
Then again, she wasn’t just any woman.
She was Italian nobility, worth millions because of her last name alone. For the majority of my life, she’d been considered an enemy.
With a single exception.
And I’d fucked it up.
However, remorse wasn’t a word in my vocabulary.
The fucking single taste of her then had almost done me in. I’d taken a taste of what hadn’t belonged to me, but in truth I’d do it again. I’d been an arrogant asshole six years before, the kind of man who couldn’t care less about what people thought.
No one fucked with a member of the DeLuca family. While my thinking was just as arrogant as the sinfully delicious woman had accused me of even then, it was the truth. The thinking was entirely elitist but given my family had owned a significant percentage of Rome and the surrounding area even then, it hadn’t mattered.
She’d been a treat that I’d expected to take, refusing to think about the ramifications. Would that have changed anything? Doubtful, just like it wouldn’t now. She’d pushed enough of my buttons that I would fuck her on my terms, but not until we were completely safe.
I dragged my tongue across my lips, still able to taste her delicious mouth. She was the kind of girl who could easily get under my skin, much like she had years before. What I found fascinating was the spark of electricity. It had almost led to an uncontrollable fire, which had been a shocking revelation. She’d also changed significantly from the last time I’d seen her.
No longer a stick thin young girl who’d given me attitude, she’d turned into a voluptuous woman with the kind of curves able to derail any red-blooded male. Even now, my cock ached thinking about heightened desires instead of if we were going to get the hell out of France alive.
“We need to get him to a hospital,” Sophia snapped as she continued pressing her hands against Luis’ wound.
“Not a chance. No time,” I told her. I’d insisted on driving since Vincenzo didn’t know the French countryside as well as I did. I’d tracked out a different way to return to the train station. Every airport and road was likely being watched. I’d made a calculated decision to take us to a safehouse outside of Geneva using a high-speed rail car. From there, it would only take three hours to get to our destination, which would give us a significant head start. What we learned from sources already positioned in the outlying areas of France would determine how long we remained in Switzerland.
Given I was certain an insider had something to do with the setup, that would provide ample opportunity for D’Artagnan to determine if my suspicions were correct and for Enzo to return from the States.
“A doctor will be on board the train, Sophia,” Vincenzo told her. “Luis is strong. He’s been through this shit before.”
“What a life,” she muttered.
“It’s the same life you were given, princess. Oh, wait. You lived in the lap of luxury while the rest of us were fighting a war.”
“Fuck you, Mattia. You have no clue what kind of life I’ve had. Besides, you’re worth billions with toys and women at your disposal. I don’t see that you’re hurting for anything.”
“Whew,” Vincenzo huffed under his breath. “Getting chilly in here.”
I threw him a look, twisting my hand around the steering wheel as I broke through the forest and onto one of the back roads. My right-hand man didn’t know about the contract, the secret something I’d maintained at all costs. But she didn’t know that. The woman needed to be tossed across my lap and spanked like the bad girl she was. “Sit down and keep your mouth shut.” Great. Now I was tossing out orders like I was her father. Granted, she was several years younger than me with no real parental influence in her life, but goddamn it, I hadn’t signed up for this shit.
Taming her would be one of the first items of business.
Marrying her second.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, Mattia. And what do you mean the train?” she countered.
This time I grinned. The less she knew the better.
“Where in the hell are you taking me? And I don’t think your soldier is going to last that long. He’s lost a lot of blood.” Her demand held a touch of entitlement.
“I’m okay,” Luis said weakly. “Boss. They wouldn’t stop coming.”
“Be quiet,” Sophia told him, barking out orders as if he would obey her. “You’re a fool if you think so, Mattia. Answer my question. Did Dar send you? I doubt you do anything of your own free will.”
I’d had enough. More than. Her disrespect in front of my men wouldn’t be tolerated. I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my anger in check.
“I’m taking you somewhere safe,” I answered, ignoring her plea. My men had known from the beginning what was at stake and the risk involved. While I was furious to have lost even a single man, it was an inevitable fact of being in the business. “How many men were left?” I demanded from the fallen man. We’d lost Carlo, his bullet-riddled body found only feet from the concrete prison Sophia had been in.