Page 8 of Captured Innocence
As two men shifted closer, my hackles were raised and I almost reached for my weapon. No one made advances on what belonged to me.
Whether or not she was aware of had done so by design, Sophia Lazarro had just sealed her fate.
I was a possessive son of a bitch and the desire coursing through me was more than just predatory. It bordered on obsessive. Not a single woman had ever caused this kind of reaction. I remained where I was, grabbing the drink brought to me by my favorite waitress then leaning against the railing.
I sensed Sophia knew I was watching her, every move she made for me and me alone.
When she turned in a full circle, dancing in time to the tribal beat, my balls began to swell. I was uncomfortable as hell, the adrenaline rush intense.
Both girls were enjoying the moment, laughing as they danced, creating a show for everyone, although I could tell Sophia was dancing only for me.
I took a deep breath, holding it for a full minute before exhaling. Then I threw back my drink, no longer willing to wait for the little game to play itself out. I wasn’t known for my patience or understanding. I also was a rule breaker, which meant that even though Sophia was off limits, I couldn’t give a fuck.
I slammed the glass onto a table of guests before taking calculated steps toward my prize. There was no doubt she noticed me coming but was determined to act as if she couldn’t care less. I heard the sound of her laughter and my cock twitched all over again.
She threw back a shot of something, immediately garnering the attention of my bartender, who was more than willing to provide her with as much alcohol as she could consume.
Almost immediately, the two men from before appeared behind Sophia and her friend, already laying claim to something that didn’t belong to them. The girls obviously had no idea what kind of danger they were in or they didn’t care. Coming to this club had been a mistake on several levels.
And her risky decision would be to my benefit.
I would never have been allowed to get this close to such a prized possession, her father a complete control freak of his three children’s lives. Even the psychotic brother was still under the powerful man’s thumb.
Within seconds, two more shots of alcohol were placed in front of the girls, both grabbing them up eagerly.
Several people noticed my stare, moving out of my way without issues. But I was forced to stop long enough to give the two predators a hard look, allowing them to understand my intentions. If they hadn’t complied, they wouldn’t have made it out of the club alive. It was that simple. That easy.
No one fucked with me.
That’s the moment Sophia decided to give me a hard onceover, shaking her head then purposely turning away. But not before allowing me to see the disgusted look that crossed her face. The little girl was playing with live dynamite. I would need to warn her to be very careful or she’d get burned in the process of teasing the wrong man.
I inched closer, angered that Sophia was ignoring me intentionally. The way she was swaying her hips, allowing the soft material of her dress to swing back and forth across her sculpted legs was far too enticing. They were legs meant to wrap around my hips as I plunged my cock deep inside. A smirk remained on my face as I walked closer.
She had one hand wrapped around a glass, keeping her face pointed toward one of my bartenders. All I needed to do was give him a quick glance and he backed away. Then the girl she was with opened her eyes wide, whispering something to my sinful treat before taking a step further away in obvious fear.
Very slowly Sophia turned her head, locking eyes with mine. She wore a smile that surprised me, as if she’d set out to track me down.
Perhaps we were playing a game of cat and mouse.
Only the girl had no idea what she’d gotten herself in the middle of.
Because as of right now, she belonged to me.
I would teach her a lesson she wouldn’t soon forget. She shouldn’t start something she had no intentions of following through.
The evil man inside of me had no intentions of playing by the rules. I would take what I wanted.
Tasting her.
Teasing her.
Fucking her.
Let anyone try to stop me.
I dared them.