Page 37 of The Underboss
Even the windows in the brownstones were adorned with flowerboxes, flags on poles besides every front door. The area was beautiful, but I couldn’t stop quivering.
A huge man stepped out of the passenger seat, immediately opening the rear door. I watched with sickening curiosity as another man exited the vehicle, immediately buttoning his jacket. He didn’t bother looking up at the building, merely taking a deep breath before heading toward the front door. I’d been introduced to a small staff, two men and two women who would take care of me in my father’s absence.
They’d likely been instructed to keep me locked away.
I shrank back from the window, another instinct telling me that the visitor had everything to do with me. I glanced down at the jeans I’d chosen to wear, ignoring my father’s request to put on one of the recently purchased couture dresses. The closet was full of them, some slinky and others far too inappropriate for anything but a night in the bedroom. Then there was lingerie that made even me blush.
Jeans, a red sweater, and boots suited me just dandy. I paced the floor once again, wishing I had a cellphone, but that had been destroyed as well. Given I didn’t know anyone here, except for my mystery man, even if I could escape, where could I go for help? The police? I had a feeling that would possibly land me a night in jail until my real prison keeper came to pick me up.
How had I allowed myself to get into this horrible position?
Seconds later, I heard footsteps then the lock positioned on the outside of the door was disengaged, the door opening.
One of my father’s men walked in, my father second. He glared at me as I knew he’d do, cursing in Italian under his breath. Then he nodded to Brute Man who headed in my direction. I noticed the soldier had something in his hand, a blocky contraption of some kind. What it was I couldn’t tell.
“You continue to want to defy me, Christiana. I thought I made myself very clear that you were to follow the rules that I set forth.”
“Since you didn’t take the time to explain them after having your goons shove me in the trunk of their vehicle, I don’t think I’m doing too badly.”
He smirked as if knowing a secret that would soon come to haunt me. “Well, there is no time to change as the man you’re going to marry is waiting for you, eager to meet you for the first time. He is well aware you are soiled goods, but at least I’ve gotten a decent price for your hand in marriage.”
There it was. Confirmation. He’d found the highest bidder. Or maybe the only one.
The way he issued the words was disgusting, so much so I fought with the angry girl inside to keep from taking long strides toward him and slapping him across the face. I knew that would only lead to another black eye. “Who is the bastard?”
The anger in his eyes flared, my father seething, but he kept his temper. “His name is Dante Bianchi. He is the son of a very important man who’s about to retire, leaving a powerful regime in Dante’s hands.”
The name immediately struck a chord but from where? I couldn’t quite remember but I was certain my memory was important.
“Ahh. You mean you were paid an exorbitant amount of money to bridge an alliance between the two organizations,” I chided in response.
The goon seemed surprised I had an inkling what was going on, the surprise in his eyes amusing.
My father appeared tired, more so than I was used to seeing, the lines on his face deeper. Time hadn’t been kind to him, his unhappiness turning into greed and an entirely different longing for power.
“I’m not going to argue, Christiana. It’s not worth it any longer. The deal is done. All I need is your signature on the contract. Dante is waiting. There will be a short engagement followed by what I’m assured will be a beautiful wedding and reception. You won’t fight me on this. Do you understand?”
“I’m not marrying a pig. There’s nothing you can do to force me into it.”
“Are you so certain about that?”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
The smug look on his face disgusted me. “You have nothing. I burned everything you own. You are no longer enrolled at the university, and you don’t have a single cent to your name. I will disown you if necessary.”
“I couldn’t care less.” I backed away, folding my arms. “I’m leaving.”
My father’s goon stepped in front of the door, giving me a hard look.
“I’ve tried to be patient with you, Christiana. I’d done everything in my power to allow you to live a life after you nearly destroyed mine. I even forgave you for sinning against God.”
Huffing, I burst into laughter. “You’re trying to make me feel bad after what you’ve done in your life? You’re a sick man.”
“Maybe so, but like father, like daughter.”
“Oh, my God. I’m nothing like you. You disgust me. I will not marry this person. As I said, you can do nothing to me that matters. I’ll be poor. I’ll live on the street, but eventually I’ll find a way to make my own life and it will be happy.”