Page 59 of The Underboss
Before I had a chance to react, Mayor Santiago appeared, shifting in front of me.
“I’m surprised to see you here, Francesco. Was Maxwell invited as well?”
I was forced to return my actions and thoughts to business for the short term. The connection was far too important and something I couldn’t pass up. “As you might imagine, he’s a very busy man, Mayor. As you seem to be as well. Slumming it tonight?”
“Hardly,” he said, laughing as he sipped his drink, barely able to look me in the eyes. He was doing nothing more than making a statement that he refused to take sides, which could ultimately end up signing his death warrant. However, the alternative wasn’t in the best interest for anyone within a typical crime syndicate, the man a former prosecutor with his eyes set on becoming president at some point. Maybe that’s why Mayor Santiago was acting cavalier. “I was thinking about paying Max a visit.”
“Ah, yes. Campaign funds.”
“A necessary evil.”
“Evil. A perfect term. I’ll be certain to let Max know you’ll be calling.”
He nodded, swigging back most of his drink. I moved forward until we were only inches apart. Then I planted a smile on my face.
“Be careful, Mayor Santiago. You’re a very important man, your close alliance with the police commissioner giving you significant power. However, intelligent men know when to stay the course with their friendships. Sadly, there are far too many alligators lurking in the rat-infested waters of New York.”
He finally locked eyes with mine, appropriately terrified. “I hope that’s not a threat, Francesco. That’s very beneath you.”
“You know better than that, Mayor.” I did a quick sweep, noticing Dante was watching us closely. “I’m a legitimate businessman now. So is Maxwell. We are also extremely wealthy. That’s something you can either take comfort in or not. It’s entirely up to you.” I backed away, giving him a nod.
He was notably uncertain what I was trying to tell him. He’d get it soon enough. Then he’d make the meeting with Maxwell where he’d provide statements of gratitude as soon as a check was signed.
Then the man would be crushed like any other bug when the time was right. For now, his usefulness wasn’t yet complete.
“Yes, I understand.” The mayor threw Dante a look before walking away. I was certain the man had plans on leaving the party early.
Dante managed to put a smile on his face as he approached, yet I could tell by his eyes he was furious that I’d interrupted his festive event. I remained where I was, trying to locate the girl I’d seen before. She’d disappeared into the bowels of the restaurant.
“Francesco Arturo in the flesh and blood. I’m so sorry to hear about the attempt made on your life.”
I casually glanced in his direction, noticing the smirk on his face. He was shocked and on edge, which was good for me. “A part of business and nothing more, Dante. I’m certain you’ve been made aware of the dangers without our world.”
“Ah, yes. Have you come to provide your congratulations, Francesco?” Dante asked as two of his soldiers flanked his side. They had enough arrogance to unbutton their jackets, allowing Cay and me to see their weapons.
“I didn’t realize there was anything to congratulate you about, Dante. This is a public restaurant and bar. I simply came in for a drink.” If he had any idea of Chrissy’s level of importance to me, the arrogant man would show it in some manner. If that was the case, I’d be forced to expedite the plans I’d only seconds before completed.
“Well, you’ll hear about this tomorrow as I have an announcement going out in every local newspaper. I’m engaged to be married. The insanely gorgeous, talented woman will become my queen when I take over from my father just weeks from now. She’s intelligent, witty, and beautiful. A perfect combination.”
I did enjoy when a man gloated. Dante’s arrogance would ultimately be the reason for his downfall.
“I hadn’t heard you were engaged. I assume congratulations are in order. You do know what they say about intelligent women, don’t you?”
“No, I’m afraid I don’t.”
“That they will strike like venomous snakes when their husbands aren’t looking.” While we both laughed, it was obvious their relationship was as contentious as Dominick had indicated. “And I hadn’t realized you’d found the right one. The last time I noticed, the tabloids pegged you for a consummate playboy.”
I doubted he had a clue how close we’d been. When I spotted the older man I’d seen before, likely her father, I realized he certainly had no interest in who or what I’d been to her. The element of surprise would be helpful.
“Yes, well, you should know looks can be deceiving.”
“Yes, they can.” I shifted closer, turning to face him.
“It’s a shame I can’t send you an invitation to our upcoming wedding,” Dante mused. “But I understand you have your hands full with attempting to track down the killer.”
I smiled, taking a few seconds to enjoy my drink. The game was interesting, but I grew bored easily.
“I’m going to offer you a single piece of advice, Dante. Do not attempt to destroy my family. If you do so again, you’ll find out my particular brand of wrath is quite painful.”