Page 52 of Always Eros
“Have fun, boys, but be careful. You know where to find me if you need me.”
Then she’s off. Justice gazes up at me, a dreamy expression on his face.
“She’s so pretty.”
“She is. Are you ready to go?”
Yves hands me the vial, gesturing to give it to Justice. “Here. Drink this.”
“Okay,” he says without even flinching. “What is it?”
“A supplement.”
I watch as he drinks it, screwing his face up from what I assume is the bitter taste of it. “Ew.”
I gently pinch his chin. “It’ll help tonight.”
Again he nods without asking too much. Viv came through with a glamour potion that will prevent Justice from witnessing any specific vampiric traits or actions. All he’ll see is mortal men doing mortal men things.
She gave Hale a memory restoration potion. It could take hours to kick in, but the more he’s exposed to things locked in his head, the faster it will work.
We head out as a group, joined by Raphael just as we make it to the parking garage.
“Well this is exciting,” Raph says, bumping my arm with his.
“How did your job go?”
“Boring. I had to make it look legit,” he whispers. He glances at a still dazed Justice leaning into me. “What’s up with your boy?”
“Ah.” He chuckles. “Good. Then catch me up.”
Sitting in the back of the SUV, I give Raphael a quick update while we drive toward Sable Cove. Justice seems to slowly return to normal, sitting up abruptly as he does.
“Where are we going?”
“We were hoping you’d tell us,” Yves answers from the driver’s seat. “Right now we’re heading toward Sable Cove. That is where Nightsky is, right?”
“Oh, right. Yes. You’ll take the… um… let me think.” Justice stares out the window for a second. “Concord exit.”
Hale is as still as a statue in the seat on the other side of me. I have to wonder what is happening in his head after drinking Viv’s potion.
When we finally reach Sable Cove city limits and the appropriate exit, I can feel the air shift. The paranormal energy here is intense.
“Fucking hell,” Thorn says. “What is this place?”
“Just Sable Cove,” Yves says. “Its history lures those who lurk beyond the veil.”
“It’s normal to see vampires, witches, and fae everywhere. Hiding in plain sight,” Hale says, his voice distant. “There are some astute mortals who are aware of our presence, but most are blissfully ignorant.”
“How is there not constant fighting?” Raphael asks.
“Most of us keep to our own kind and designated areas. Most of the time.” He rubs his forehead. “I have been here before. I feel it in my bones.”
Justice stares at Hale, his expression bordering on fear.