Page 63 of Always Eros
The line between reality and fantasy is so blurred I can’t determine which is which.
“I would never hurt you. I couldn’t. You’re too precious. I would sooner destroy myself.”
“Is it true? Can I trust you?”
The vision fades, replaced by an orgasm that rocks my entire existence. I bite my lip to keep from crying out as wave after wave rips through me, leaving me a sweaty, trembling mess on cum covered sheets.
When it’s finally over, tears pour from my eyes as I catch my breath.
What the heck was that?
* * *
After a restless night filled with dreams of Eros and vampires, I’m thankful to see the sunlight streaming in through my windows. At least I have a reason to be awake now. I shuffle to the bathroom for a quick shower, then with my towel around my waist, I sit in the chair by my window, simply staring outside.
The way I left Eros last night feels all kinds of wrong. I made him sad. I guess I could call him, but what would I say? I’m sorry I’m scared of you? That’s dumb. Maybe I should figure out why I’m scared of him. Is it just the unknown? Is it because I know the bad things vampires can do based on Nightsky? Shouldn’t I be able to trust him given how he’s treated me so far?
I twist my head back and forth as I rub the back of my neck. I feel like crap, and I want to see Eros again, but I’m just not sure what I should do. Maybe I should listen to Carina’s advice and focus on how he makes me feel and treats me.
I force myself to get to my feet, dress, and head down for breakfast. I’m not hungry but I could use some coffee. After filling my mug, I choose to go outside and sit under the tree with my thoughts. Leaning against the trunk, I close my eyes and recall the strange sex dream I had last night. It felt so real, like Eros was really there, really touching me. Dang, I want to feel that so much, but then I’d have to face my fears. Am I ready for that?
“Hey, Justice.”
I turn my head to see Micah approaching. “Hey.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.”
He sits next to me, leaning against the tree as well with a book on his lap. I recognize it as the journal they gave us on our first day.
“I like to journal here. It’s so peaceful.”
I nod, offering a slight smile. “I should try the journal instead of just staring into the sky hoping for an answer.”
He laughs softly. “That could work too though. Nature is very soothing. I think that’s why they picked this location.”
“Good point.”
“If you want to talk about anything, I’m a pretty good listener,” Micah offers.
I glance at him, considering it. “I think it might be hard to explain.” How do you tell someone you might be falling for a vampire?
“Harder than the cult we left?”
I laugh at that. “Another good point, Micah.”
He watches me with pretty, light green eyes. I noticed him right away because of those eyes and how they pop against his darker features. He has curly black hair cut close to his scalp, and dark tan skin. He told us on the first day that he’s black and Puerto Rican and he wanted us to know that because he wants to connect to his heritage and erase the destiny pushed on us through Nightsky. He’s attractive, earnest, and kind. If I hadn’t met Eros, I’d probably be interested in him romantically.
“I met this guy, the night I escaped actually. I got lost on my way here, and he found me and drove me here.”
Micah nods.
“He’s… gorgeous. I mean, like an Eternal Bliss angel.”
“Really?” Micah turns slightly toward me, a huge smile on his face. “What does he look like?”