Page 15 of The Cleat Retreat
“No. I’m fine. You caught it before it became anything. Thanks, by the way.”
“It’s nothing,” he said, sitting up. My eyes immediately went to the expanse of skin that showed as his shirt scrunched up, highlighting his delicious ab muscles. I could just start to see the hint of a V on his hips. Blinking, I shook my head. Both to clear it and dismiss his statement.
“Um, it totally is. I’m shocked you remembered that, actually. Not many people know I’m allergic.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve known you longer than most. I guess it’s that big brother energy. It sticks with me.”
“Right.” My heart sank momentarily at his phrasing, but I decided not to let it settle. We were going to have fun. “Anyway, we need to go swimming.”
“Swimming?” he asked, his voice bordering on incredulity as he stared at me, his eyes narrowed. Before I could respond, he answered. “No.”
“Fine. I’ll just go without you.”
Jumping off the bed, the food containers I’d just cleared spilled, but I wouldn’t worry about them right now. Lifting the bottle of champagne, I flew out the door and down the hall before he could stop me.
When he caught up to me at the elevator, I smiled over at him and handed him the bottle. I’d already opened it, shocked when it was a twist-off and not corked. Couldn’t even splurge for the good stuff, eh, Mom?
Sighing like the weight of the world rested on his shoulders, he took it and drank a long swig before handing it back to me. Smirking, I stepped into the elevator, and Hawk followed begrudgingly.
Barefoot, hoodie up, and wearing clothes I didn’t own, we rode in silence to the pool, tension and heat swirling between us as excitement built inside me.
It was time for another curve ball.
Of course, she brought up the kiss. The one moment in my life I’d chosen my wants over everyone else. It had been everything I’d thought it would be. For those few minutes that our lips connected, I felt weightless and free.
No little sister to worry about.
No mother to watch over.
No father to impress.
Not even my best friend to stress over.
It was just me and Blazy, and for that pocket of time, she was mine.
But then the door sounded, and reality crashed in.
She was sixteen and my best friend’s little sister. If Bryce tried to make a move on Wren, I’d punch him. It didn’t matter that he never would, considering she was five years younger than us, and thus fourteen—bro code was bro code. And I’d broken it.
I’d jumped up when he asked and put his needs before my own, shoving my feelings and dreams of ever being with Blake down deep and locking them away.
And they’d stayed there for nine years.
She wasn’t wrong that this was the longest we’d spoken or hung out since then. Ignoring my desire was easier when I wasn’t around her. Plus, she’d been dating numbnuts for the past five years. It helped keep her firmly in the unavailable category, even if I hated her boyfriend’s guts, which made me hate my comment about the big brother energy. But what did I expect? It had been my intention, after all, to put some space between us. To draw out the boundaries. I should feel thrilled she didn’t protest or call me on my bullshit.
But it grated every fiber within me. I didn’t want her to think of me as her brother. Not even close.
Turning my head against the back of the elevator, I allowed myself to take her in fully. I’d been a little stunned at how beautiful she’d become earlier when she’d jumped into my car, tear-streaked and in a wedding dress. But seeing her in my clothes, makeup-free, and with her glasses on, stole my fucking breath away.
That small attraction I had toward her all those years ago roared to life, taking on a new shape, and I didn’t know if I was strong enough to resist it anymore.
Or if I wanted to.
“You’re going to get me in trouble,” I grumbled, folding my arms across my chest as I frowned at her.