Page 18 of The Cleat Retreat
The second I entered her warm channel, stars exploded behind my eyes as I watched her buck against me, her body responding to what I was doing to her. Blake’s legs stayed around my waist as I thrust my finger in and out, her gasps of pleasure edging me on as I sealed our lips together.
Both of us had come a long way in the kissing department in nine years. Her tongue rolled over mine, not shy as she sought entrance into my mouth. Her hips continued to buck as she pulled against my hold. Pleasure, unlike anything I’d ever experienced, slammed into me, and I had to recite all thirty baseball teams in the Majors backward and forward to stop myself from exploding in the pool.
Flicking my thumb against her clit, I felt the instant she came undone. Her walls tightened around my digit, trapping it inside as warmth wrapped around me. Her body trembled as she rode out her orgasm, and I swallowed her moan as she came.
Blinking open her eyes, I pulled back as I released my grip. I didn’t know if she’d want more or if she’d freak out now that the lust had left her. I froze in place as I waited for her response. This would either end a lifelong friendship or be the most incredible night of my life.
“More. I want more. Fuck me, Hawk. Take my virginity and make me yours.”
There weren’t enough cuss words to express the level of fuckery in my mind as I kissed her, tangling her tongue with mine as I lifted us out of the water, somehow making it to our pile of clothes.
Laughing, we dried off haphazardly and pulled the dry clothes over us, but neither of us could keep our hands off one another now that we’d opened that door. Stumbling out of the pool, we returned to the elevator without running into anyone in the hall, our secret pool rendezvous remaining under wraps.
A couple gave us knowing looks when we stepped onto the elevator but kept quiet, exiting two floors before us and allowing my lips to return to Blake’s as I lifted her into my arms.
The only thing that would stop me now was a natural disaster.
I pinched myself, worried another recurring nightmare was happening. One where I would get clam-jammed anytime I was about to have sex—real or imaginary. I’d often dreamed of Hawk in this position, only to have my mother or brother rush into the room and whisk me away.
“What are you doing?” Hawk asked, narrowing his eyes at my fingers as he approached, the door locking behind him.
“Making sure this isn’t a dream,” I mumbled, my breathing increasing as the tension between us doubled.
My whole body was taut with need, the earlier remnants of the orgasm at the edges as I recalled how Hawk had made me tremble. I’d never felt that before. And now that I had, I wanted more.
Large, rough hands grasped my face and tilted it upward.
“You dream about me, Blazy?”
“Yes,” I admitted shamelessly. It came out sounding more like a moan than an answer.
Hawk smirked, his lips twitching up on one side, and his mismatched eyes looked like molten lava, ready to boil over, heating every square inch of my skin and encasing us in a tomb of our own making.
Surprisingly, I didn’t mind that imagery—us wrapped up together for eternity. Yes, please.
Hawk gripped the bottom of the hoodie and raised it, pulling it over my head. I suddenly felt the urge to yell out everything embarrassing that entered my head—I was clam-jamming myself now.
“Did you steal my pin?”
He stopped his movements, which unfortunately meant my head was covered, and my breasts were on display in my wet bra.
“Um, what?” he asked, clearing his throat. Hawk tugged the hoodie the rest of the way off my head, allowing me to see my surroundings again.
“Nothing.” I shook my head, deciding to shut up for once. I reached back and unhooked my bra, tossing the sodden material to the side.
“Hot damn,” Hawk groaned, staring at my breasts. I didn’t think they were anything special, but with how he looked at them, it made me feel sexy. Biting my lip, I pushed my borrowed shorts and wet panties down, stepping out of them as I stood up straight, completely naked.
Channeling the sexiness Hawk inspired in me, I turned and crawled onto the bed, purposefully taunting him with my bare ass as I settled down. There were still a few empty boxes, so I pushed them to the side and rested on my elbows as I brazenly parted my legs.
“You’re not going to back out now, are you?” I taunted. Inside, I was shaking, my nerves overwhelming me as I waited for him to decide. I didn’t know if I could handle the rejection if he changed his mind after seeing me naked.
A primal groan fell from his lips as he tore his shirt off his body, kicking the shoes and sweats to the side as he stalked to the bed. I gulped as I took in the large member between his legs; the behemoth was hard and thick as he approached.
I didn’t get to look much longer as my thighs were wrenched apart and my ass lifted in the air. My arms fell back as my body gave way to gravity, distracting me from Hawk and his mission momentarily. When his hot mouth landed on my pussy, I bucked and gasped at the shock. His eyes danced as he held me to his mouth like his favorite snack.