Page 21 of The Cleat Retreat
Lying in bed, I realized my muscles ached in a way I’d never experienced before. Because I’d been sick most of my childhood, I hadn’t been allowed to do many physical activities. But even after the bone marrow transplant, my mom had become so hyper-focused on ensuring I was well that I still wasn’t allowed to do anything that might wear me out.
But now, each way I moved, I could feel the pull of muscles I hadn’t known existed. It was a soreness that spoke of great adventures and triumph. As I rested against Hawk’s body, his arm draped over my half-naked body, I couldn’t help but smile at the sensation.
Everything hurt, and I loved it.
Sighing in bliss, I snuggled back into Hawk’s warmth as I debated if there was still time to try one more position before anyone came to look for me. I knew I should feel guilty for ghosting everyone, but I couldn’t find it in me to turn my phone back on. Bryce said he’d handle it, and I trusted him to do just that. He’d always taken care of me, and I knew he’d swoop in with his big brother energy for this, too.
I should probably look at how often he rescued me. But later.
“Don’t tell me you’re a morning person, Blazy,” Hawk grumbled behind me, his breath tickling my neck.
Smiling, I rolled over and ran my hands over his bare chest, tracing his tattoos. At some point, Hawk had made us both put on some form of clothing to put a barrier between us. It was his attempt to persuade us to keep our hands to ourselves.
It hadn’t worked the way he intended.
The man looked sexy in gray sweatpants. Especially when he didn’t have anything on under them. Apparently, I looked just as irresistible in his t-shirt, so I guess it was a fair playing field.
“And what if I am?” I teased, grinning.
“Hmm. I’ll have to rethink this.”
“This?” I asked, my voice hitching. I’d hoped it could be more, wanted it more than anything, but I knew the pitfalls. Hawk was Bryce’s best friend, and it was clear where I stood in that dynamic. Plus, Hawk hadn’t ever had a serious girlfriend before. Why would he change that for me? I’d told myself I was fine with one night. That it was better than nothing.
But now… hope springs eternal and all that crap.
My body tingled with anticipation as I waited for what he would say.
He cracked open one eye, the ice-blue color searing into me. “I’m not sure what you think about me and how I treat women, but I don’t go around sticking my dick in just anything.”
“Wow. So romantic,” I deadpanned.
Hawk narrowed his eye at me, and goosebumps raised along my skin. I could already hear the possessive growl in his voice, even when he didn’t say anything.
“And here I thought you were the king of one-night stands with a heave-ho the next morning. Bryce even has a word for it. Said you coined it.”
Hawk turned on his side, hovering over me and trapping me with his body as his eyes simmered like molten lava.
“I don’t give a fuck what Bryce said. I’m telling you the score. Do you hear me?”
I nodded, but the freedom to speak my mind with Hawk flooded out of me before I could stop it.
“Oh, I heard you all night long as you screamed out my name. Maybe I’m the queen of one-night stands,” I chirped, my cheeks heating at my taunt.
Hawk’s eyes darkened, his pupils so blown I could barely make out any color. He leaned forward until our noses touched.
“We might be out of condoms, baby, but I still haven’t taught you what I can do to that smart mouth of yours. Call yourself the queen of one-night stands again and see how that works out for you.”
Eek! I pressed my lips together, my eyes heating at the thought. Why did I want to test him?
The left corner of his mouth crept up, his stubble more pronounced today. I lifted my hand and ran it over the sharp edges. My body bore the marks of his beard, rubbing me in all the places, branding me as his.
“But Bryce…” I said, leaving it at that.
Hawk let out a deep breath. “Yeah. I know. I’ll—”
A loud noise interrupted him as a door I hadn’t noticed in the middle of the wall smacked against the dresser as it opened.
“Hawk! You in here, bruh? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Have you seen Blake?” my brother asked as he stepped through from the adjoining room.