Page 22 of Spook's Possession
“No. He has to walk, and it’s far. Stop at the gas station on Fifth. He said he’d be there.”
Micah grumbled under his breath but listened because he knew better than to say no to me when I wanted something.
And, oh boy, I wanted every inch of my brown-eyed, handsome, thick and yummy cowboy.
Micah frowned as we piled into his car. My uncle had given my cousin his ’69 Dodge Charger as a graduation present a couple of years ago. The sleek black paint shined in the Nevada sunshine on our driveway as the sun began to set.
Abby waved as she crossed the street. She wore a yellow summer dress with brown boots and a denim jacket. Her blonde hair bounced in a high ponytail. The girl was gorgeous, and I told her so.
“As pretty as you, bestie.”
We picked up Country and arrived at the movie theater with only a few minutes to spare. The action flick was boring, and I rested my head on Country’s shoulder, yawning as he slipped his arm around me. I dozed off and woke as he kissed my forehead.
“Hey, sexy. M-movie’s over.”
Micah reached for Abby’s hand, tugging her close to his side, when he noticed a group of guys checking her out. He sent a glare in their direction and snarled when one of them stood, walking in our direction.
“Oh, shit,” I mumbled, rushing to my feet.
Country pushed ahead of me, placing his body in front of mine in case anything went down.
The guy approached Abby and smiled. “Hey, don’t we have English together?”
Abby pretended to think about it. “I didn’t notice.”
His friends laughed as the guy shrugged. “You got a date for Homecoming?”
Micah answered for her in a growl. “She does.”
The guy looked him over, noticing the cut he wore. “Damn. Okay, bro.”
“She’smygirl. You understand?”
“Yeah. Okay. Shit.” He backed away, joining his friends.
Micah picked up Abby, carrying her out of the theater as she giggled.
My cousin was a total caveman.
“You want me to pick you up, Raven?”
I turned back to Country, and his brown eyes filled with warmth and affection. “No, but there’s something I’d like to do.”
“You ever see the world from the seat of a Harley?” I asked huskily.
He shook his head. “Can’t say that I have.”
“Then you haven’t seen shit.”
He smirked.
“I’ll give you one hell of a ride if you join me.”
His brown eyes darkened. “Then let’s move, Wildfire.”
Wildfire. Ireallyliked that nickname even more than Raven.