Page 4 of Spook's Possession
I kinda hoped she wasn’t alone, and a hand would appear, galloping across the road to follow her and wreak havoc. Who didn’t love Thing?
My gaze slowly rose as it traveled over her curves and locked on her face, specifically the sapphire blue eyes that burned a hole into my soul. Damn.
She broke the connection to stare at the three twats still holding me down. “Let him go.”
Dade scoffed. “Why? We’re just having a bit of fun, Heather.”
“You heard me.”
Pennywise and Ghostface backed off, grumbling under their breath about her getting in the way of a good time.
Dade didn’t move.
“I’m not asking, Dade.”
His brows drew together in a frown as he blinked, ripping off the Wolfman mask. Rain began to soak into his light brown hair as the storm intensified and the rain dumped on us, unleashing its fury.
A loud crack of thunder rumbled above our heads while lightning lit up a cloud, dousing us in a brief white glow.
Dade slowly stood, stalking his way over to her as I pushed off the ground, swaying a bit before finding my balance. No way would I let him hurt her. I had to scoop up my hat since it fell off when I hit the ground, but I was ready if Heather needed help.
She didn’t appear afraid.
He stopped about a foot from where she stood, and I could tell he wanted to intimidate this girl but never got the chance.
Heather pulled back her arm and clocked him hard as he gaped at her in shock. She had him on the ground, the blade to his throat before I could do more than blink.
“Mess with him again, and we have a problem.”
“I don’t care who your daddy is, Sturges. You’ll regret this.”
“My daddy?” She smirked. “You mean one of the big bikers from the Royal Bastards MC?”
Dade swallowed so loudly I heard him above the storm.
Wind whipped the cold rain around our bodies as I took a step in Heather’s direction.
“Walk away, and we don’t have a problem.”
“That’s the thing with you, isn’t it, Dade? Always picking on anyone weaker than you. You’d think you would have learned your lesson by now.”
He lifted a hand to her knee, squeezing it. “Go with me to Homecoming.”
I snorted, shaking my head.What a fool.
“Leave the new kid alone.”
She pressed the blade closer to his neck.
“Or else.”
His hand traveled up her thigh, and she grabbed his wrist, pinning it to the ground with her knee. The knife hovered above one of his fingers.
“Stop pissing me off, Dade.”
He smiled at her like he got off on the whole interaction. “I like it.”
“That’s because you’re bored and sick of playing with your daddy’s money.”