Page 46 of Spook's Possession
“But it was something else I found that terrified me.” I pushed off his chest, searching for my jean jacket, and found my phone. “Here. Read this.”
Country began reading the article I stumbled upon yesterday and the reason why I showed up at The Crossroads, drowning reality in as much liquor as I could consume.
“Fuck!” he cursed when he got to the part of the article that I knew would upset him. “Did you read the whole thing?”
I nodded.
“He’s affiliated with The Sect of Primordial Light.”
“That’s the fucking cult Greg Sanders belongs to and helps run. Grim found out that he’s one of the Elders.”
Oh my God. That sect was the one that threatened me!
Wait. “The man who molested me was part of that cult?”
“Fuck. Yeah, babe.” Country’s features twisted into a snarl. “Son of a bitch!”
There wasn’t much point in keeping my secret any longer. Not after this. “They called you Henry.”
His hands moved to my shoulders as Country panted, his eyes glazed over with memories I hated to make him remember. “What?”
“I snuck out of bed after we made love and went downstairs for water. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“What did they do?”
“Three men in masks were inside the house. Black masks, but now that I think about it, I remember seeing something gold on their black clothes.”
“A sword with a golden halo,” he spat.
“The Sect of Primordial Light members.”
The flash of a memory followed his words. A detail from my nightmares I didn’t fully understand until now. Vinny wore a black robe. A golden object was embroidered on the sleeves. The same image I had seen in my kitchen on the back of the black masks those men wore. A sword with a golden halo.
“Oh, God.”
No wonder that incident in the kitchen freaked me out so much. It brought back the unconscious memory from my childhood and the man who kidnapped me.
“I saw it,” I whispered. “When I was five. I saw the symbol on his robe. I never knew what it meant or why it was important until now.”
Country cradled my face in his hands. “I’m so sorry that happened to you. We were both victims and preyed upon as helpless children.”
He was right.
“What did the order say to you? What did they want?”
The sting of tears burned my eyes. “They gave me one year and said they would return to collect.”
“Collect what?”
“Me or you.”
“Fuck!” Country roared, pulling my body into his embrace. “No! Fuck no!”