Page 103 of The Wolf Prince
I would’ve been tired, too. “That’s enough to make anyone tired, Dad. I get it.”
He then did something he’d never done my entire life. He grabbed my hand and let his guard down, showing more emotion than any alpha should. “I’m sorry all of this has fallen on your shoulders.”
His apology shocked me, but I appreciated it. “I accept your apology, Dad, and I promise I’ll handle this so you can finally rest easy.”
I knew what I needed to do. There was no other option.
Stone had to die.
Chapter 28
Last night had been horrific and beautiful all at the same time. My argument with Ty had reminded me of the times in my life when I’d felt completely out of control and vulnerable and had acted out because of it. But last night, I’d controlled my anger. Hashing it out had brought us closer together than ever before.
But with the good came the bad, or so it seemed in my life. The truth about my identity was out in the open, and Ty was determined to ensure Stone paid for his crimes against me. I wouldn’t have bet that piece of shit was smart enough to find his way home with GPS and a map, yet here he was, creating a blackmail scheme, threatening to out me if he didn’t get paid. It spoke of his character. Spoke volumes.
Ty promised he’d find a way to keep me safe and assured me that Stone wouldn’t breathe a word about me being an omega. I couldn’t help but worry about what Ty might have planned, but I trusted him to take care of the situation.
The truth was out, which meant I needed to talk to my parents. Ty had agreed to meet me at their house.
I woke up with a renewed sense of peace that morning after sleeping a full ten hours. Between the anxiety attack, witnessing Ty shift in front of a crowd and almost taking Stone out, not to mention the argument and emotional toll of my conversation with Ty in the clearing, it had all been mentally draining.
From the age of thirteen, I’d spent my life trying to hide what I was, to keep it buried deep with the aid of hormone medication and a long line of lies and half-truths.
I’d planned on telling Ty that I was an omega, but I’d been terrified he’d reject me. He was the next alpha, for God’s sake. I assumed he’d at least feel somewhat threatened to have an omega as his mate. I wasn’t stronger than he was, but I was a badass in my own right, possessing special skills he didn’t. It could’ve been intimidating. It would have been to any other shifter, certainly.
Once again, though, he’d surprised me with his understanding and gentle nature. Sure, he’d been pissed when he discovered I had kept it from him, but once I explained my past and how being an omega was a burden, he’d been quick to comfort me, and his promise to protect me carried some weight.
I held Ty’s hand as we sat across from my parents in their living room.
Mom wrung her hands together nervously as Dad sipped his freshly squeezed lemonade. “What happened, Liza? Something’s wrong.”
Poor Mom. She’d always been the highly strung one in the family, always anticipating the next disaster that might befall one of her precious children. But she had an undeniable sixth sense about us. My mother always knew when I was upset.
I smiled. “Mom, calm down. Everything’s fine.” I shot Ty a look.
He took my cue and set his glass on a coaster on the table. “Liza and I had a conversation last night about her being an omega.” He looked at my father. “I didn’t realize she was aware of her... abilities, but she assured me she’s known since she was thirteen.”
Mom let out the breath she’d been holding for far too long and slumped back against the chair. “Good heavens, maybe you could’ve led with that. I thought you were going to tell me that her medication had stopped working again.” She shook her head in annoyance, but was she was smiling.
Dad took another sip of his drink. As usual, he was completely unfazed by the conversation.
“So, the truth is out.” I crossed my legs, suddenly relaxed. “Ty said you all discussed this. That you led him to believe I was oblivious.” I didn’t need to say more. They were appropriately chastised for their fib. Mom looked away.
Dad cleared his throat. “Liza, we didn’t mean to mislead Ty, but we felt like it was your place to tell him, not ours.”
“No need to apologize to me. I’m not angry.” Ty nodded in Dad’s direction. “I completely understand. You were protecting Liza while also giving her the chance to tell me herself. No harm done.”
My parents shared a look, and Ty picked up on their anxiety.
“You don’t need to worry, Mr. and Mrs. Mims. I’ll keep Liza safe.” He squeezed my hand. “I know you’ve carried the burden of her safety since she was thirteen, but I won’t let anyone harm a hair on her head. Her secret is also safe with me. There’s no real reason for others to know that she’s an omega. Unless, of course, Liza chooses to share that information.”
Mom held a hand to her chest. “Thank you, Ty. That means a lot to us. Liza is a very special woman, and she deserves to be protected and cherished.”
Ty’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Absolutely.”