Page 42 of The Wolf Prince
“Sounds great. I’ll talk to you then.”
By the time we hung up, we had spoken for over two hours. I certainly wasn’t used to that type of attention, but I didn’t hate it. Ty was easy to talk to, and I suspected that was an important attribute for an alpha.
And a mate.
He had seemed so interested in learning the little nuances about my life that no one else had ever asked about. I hadn’t experienced many relationships in my life, and the men I had dated were very surface level. Occasionally, they’d ask about my day, but I couldn’t remember anyone who’d cared so deeply about what I thought. They certainly wouldn’t spend two hours learning about my favorite hobbies, books, and what activities I’d been involved in at school.
Ty seemed different, which surprised me.
He didn’t scare me, though. In fact, just the tone of his voice put me at ease. But someone potentially knowing me on an intimate level was new, and even the thought of allowing myself to open up was daunting.
That night, I crawled under my blanket and laid my head on the pillow on my ‘side’ of the bed, which was the middle.
I was exhausted. My thoughts drifted to Ty, and I wondered if anything would actually come of it. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, even though I’d enjoyed our phone conversation more than I ever thought I would. Not to mention that he was sinfully, over-the-top sexy. I’d never dated a man like him before.
Sleep, despite my fatigue, didn’t come easily. Instead, I lay in bed, wide awake, eyes open, brain churning with a thousand thoughts. Nothing substantial. Mostly shallow thoughts about Ty and me. I wondered whether he found me desirable. I certainly wasn’t like all the other women in town.
Finally, with no other recourse and no way to fall asleep, I indulged in my thoughts. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to remember the contours and lines, the ridges and plains of Ty’s body. He was built like a fucking rock.
There were times when thinking of him made my body vibrate with longing. He was a walking advertisement for lust. The kind of man who knew how to make my bones ache with need. This was one of those times.
I always felt a little bit wild, a little bit feral, when the first waves of desire washed over me, but no one had ever seen this side of me. I had never allowed it.
That didn’t stop me from letting my desires have their way with me in the privacy of my own bedroom. I pulled my blanket up to my neck and turned off the light, imagining Ty next to me. He pulled me close, one arm at my waist, and the other hand tangled in my hair.
My breathing quickened as I imagined him stroking my face, his body hot and hard against mine, his hands gently caressing my body. My skin tingled with anticipation as I closed my eyes and gave in to the burning lust inside me.
The hands touching me might’ve been mine, but they were guided by his, gliding down my body, trailing heat over my skin, stopping for a caress, a moan, with every breath more desperate than the last.
I imagined the taste of his kiss, the sweetness of his tongue, and the power and demand behind it. My body ignited, and my breath caught somewhere between my lungs and my throat. My skin was tight, the only thing keeping me from blowing apart, and I ached. In that moment, I wanted nothing more, needed nothing more than Ty’s body, his hands, his mouth. Oh, how I needed his mouth. To give, to take, to command, to ask. I needed all of it. All of him.
The kiss I wanted was hard and demanding, and I wanted it to go on, but I needed more. A touch. Something intimate that would bind us together.
I pushed my hands down, aching even more now with need, my body coiled tightly with desire. One hand tweaked a nipple, the other slid over the soft skin of my belly and down to brush against my clit. I sucked in a shaky breath, then puffed out over and over, panting with desire.
My fingers flicked and teased, circling the tight nub of my clit, rubbing as the other hand lowered and dipped a finger inside. I was sticky and wet, vibrating and aching.
I wanted his mouth, his body over mine, and his cock inside me. I wanted everything that was Tyson Keller. My hips bucked as the bolts of pleasure burst through every cell under my skin. When I cried out his name—“Oh, Ty! Oh, fuck, Ty!”—my entire being, heart, and soul succumbed to tremors.
I cried out because I couldn’t help it, and I writhed because I couldn’t be still as I pushed my fingers deeper, the walls of my pussy clenching around them.
I should’ve probably sent Ty a thank-you card for his part in what just happened. I fell asleep with sweet thoughts of him in my mind.
Chapter 12
“Have a great weekend,” I said to the security guard at the warehouse.
I’d spent most of the day working with the second shift manager on implementing a new inventory tracker. Glancing at my watch, I realized that it was well past dinner time. No wonder my stomach hadn’t stopped growling for the last two hours.
On the drive home, I thought back over the busy week I’d had. I always kept a full schedule, but this week had just about done me in. On top of my normal agenda of business meetings and in-person spot-checking, I’d taken it upon myself to pick up Dad’s slack. Being the alpha was a full-time job in itself. I would have to figure out a balance before the job became mine. This gave me the chance.
Luckily, Dad was no longer on bedrest, but Dr. Anderson insisted that he only work from home. He wasn’t allowed to drive for at least another week—not like Mother would have allowed it even if he could somehow order the medical staff to give their blessing.
She’d spent every day since the accident fussing over Dad’s every move, which was another reason I’d been as busy as possible all week. I was in no hurry to deal with my mother in her current take-charge state of being. It broke my heart to see the alpha of our pack being treated like a toddler, even though my mother only meant well. It didn’t take away from the fact that Dad wanted to be seen as strong and fully capable. Their constant bickering these days were becoming unbearable.
My thoughts drifted to Liza, and a sudden spark of desire shot through my chest. I’d spent a lot of the day distracted because we had dinner plans tonight. I was looking forward to seeing her.