Page 76 of The Wolf Prince
There was no way I could see myself stepping back from a mass murder that didn’t have to happen, and no way was I committing murder just because he was asking me to, but I didn’t say that.
Dad continued. “The only other alternative to killing Stone is handing over Liza.” I sure as fuck wasn’t going to do that. “Even then, Stone being alive is a risk I’m not willing to take. The information he has is too dangerous for our pack.”
I sighed.
“He holds a secret that, if it gets out, would ruin us. Who’s to say he won’t come back and make more demands? When would the blackmail end?”
Fuck. He was right.
I lowered my voice. “I see your point, but I’m not killing anyone. I don’t want to start off as alpha with blood on my hands.” Secrets or not. “As someone who’s living with the guilt of murdering an entire pack, surely you can understand?”
Dad covered his mouth with his hand but remained silent. He was deep in thought. I probably only had one chance to convince him to choose another route to keep the pack safe. Although, for the life of me, I didn’t have a clue what that route would be.
“According to you, you’d supposedly put all of this behind us after you massacred the Wylde pack, yet here it is rearing its ugly head into our lives again. Murder isn’t the answer.”
“You’re right.” Dad cleared his throat. “This is all on me. I never knew there was another kid hiding and watching from afar. I should have checked. If I had, maybe I would’ve been able to bring him into the fold the same way I did with Liza.”
Could have. Would have. Should have. His regrets didn’t help us at all.
“That misstep is on me and no one else. I want to meet with Stone.”
“Absolutely not!” I responded louder than I intended, and my father twisted his head to look at me. More accurately, to glare at me. This wasn’t a man who was used to having his word questioned. “That’s a very bad idea. Stone will know it’s a setup and expect you to kill him. What do you think he’ll do? He’ll come prepared to defend himself. If he even smells a setup, I guarantee you he’ll strike first.”
My father chuckled. “Let me assure you, I can handle myself, Ty. You seem to forget who I am.” Dad stood and puffed out his chest, which though massive, wasn’t nearly as impressive as it used to be. “I’ll try to bargain with him before I make a final decision on whether his life can be spared or if he’s too dangerous to the pack to live.”
“If that’s what you choose to do then I can’t stop you, but I am asking you to give it more thought.” I stood, my blood singing in my veins. There was nothing I could do about my anger, and I couldn’t argue with my father anymore. Every word against him planted his idea deeper in his mind. I walked to the door. As I turned the doorknob, I turned to look at him. “Mother’s worried enough without her catching wind that you’re inviting Stone to a private meeting.”
“Don’t worry about your mother, I’ve got it all under control.” He scoffed. “Liza has proven to be more trouble than I thought.” He was having a bad case of if he knew then what he knew now, and I didn’t like it one fucking bit.
I spun to face him, my body tense, poised to fight for her. “Choose your next words carefully because Liza is still my mate, and I won’t tolerate anyone speaking of her in that way.” It was a good thing I hadn’t told him Liza was an omega.
Dad, weak as he was, was at my side in a flash. He grabbed me by the shirt. “Don’t forget that I’m still the alpha, Tyson. I’ll say whatever I damn well please. Your little girlfriend is causing our family more grief than we deserve.”
Deserve? He had no fucking idea what we deserved.
Letting go of my shirt, he shoved me back.
I stepped toward him until our chests nearly touched, and I glared down into my father’s eyes. “She is my fated mate, whether you like it or not, and any grief this family receives is well deserved.” I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to defend his behavior. “You killed an entire pack: her family, his family, all of them instead of finding another way to handle a situation you should have stepped back to assess before you did something so reckless and ridiculous. Leave Liza the fuck out of it!”
“It’s obvious your priorities are screwed up, Ty. Listen to yourself!”
My hands balled into fists, and I growled. I fully understood my role and responsibilities as future alpha, but I could be a good alpha, keep the pack safe, and still find a way to be a good mate to Liza. She was mine, and I would protect her at all costs, even if that meant going against my own father.
“Dad, I’ll warn you one last time. Think wisely about the moves you take with Stone. He owes you no allegiance, and he has plenty of reason to want vengeance.” I stormed out of the office before he could respond.
I had some moves of my own to make. Liza wasn’t safe, and that was unacceptable.
Once inside my bedroom, I shut the door and pulled out my phone to call Zephyr.
When he answered, he started talking right away. “Hey, Ty. Sorry, man. I don’t have anything else on Liza.”
“That’s not why I’m calling, Zephyr.” I sighed. “I need you to see what you can find on Stone Black, if that’s even his real name. I need any dirt you can dig up.” Maybe there was a way to fight him without involving weapons and bloodshed.
Zephyr was silent for a moment. “All right, I’ll see what I can do. How fast do you need it?”
“Yesterday.” The sooner I had the information, the easier it would be to keep my dad from getting himself killed.
I ended the call and tossed my phone on my bed. There was nothing to keep me from using anything I could find against Stone, and no reason not to. I needed him far away from Liza, and fast.