Page 78 of The Wolf Prince
“Welcome, Ty.” Mrs. Mims embraced me. “I haven’t seen you since the boys played baseball at the summer league downtown. You’ve grown quite a bit since then.”
I chuckled. “So nice to see you again, Mrs. Mims.” I reached to shake hands with Liza’s dad. “Nice to see you, as well, Mr. Mims.”
Mrs. Mims giggled nervously. “Oh, please call us Rory and Scott.”
Scott took my hand and shook it firmly but didn’t say a word.
When we entered the dining room, Liza’s brothers rose from their chairs.
“Holy crap. If it isn’t Tyson the bison,” Mason said with a laugh.
Shit. I hadn’t heard that nickname in years.
Michael and Mason each slapped me on the back and shook my hand.
We reminisced about our days in sports camp together while Liza listened and laughed at our antics. I’d been a junior coach at the time. Even though the twins were several years younger than me, it was easy to pick up on their dedication and drive to be winners.
Dinner went well and the conversation flowed easily, even though Liza’s father barely spoke. Once we finished our dessert, I caught Michael giving Mason a look.
I suppressed a groan. I knew that look. It was time for the interrogation to begin.
Mason cracked his knuckles. “So, Ty, what are your intentions with our sister?”
His demeanor morphed to protective big brother. It happened so quickly it took me by surprise. I considered and reconsidered my words as I tried to think of the best response.
“Your sister is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. Fate wants us to be together, and the more I get to know her, I can see why. She’s kind, compassionate, strong-willed, and intelligent… not to mention she’s an amazing cook.”
There were chuckles and laughter all around. I wasn’t the only fan of her food.
“In all seriousness, I care so much for Liza that I would do anything in my power to keep her safe and happy.” That was the God’s honest truth.
Liza reached for my hand under the table and squeezed tightly.
Rory wiped a tear from her eye. “That was beautiful, Ty. I love seeing the two of you together. The connection between you both is undeniable.”
Michael and Mason grinned, so I assumed I had their approval. That small relief did nothing to unclench my stomach. I still needed to have a conversation with Liza’s parents.
Once we’d cleared the table, I turned to Scott. “Could I speak with you and Rory privately?”
“Sure, we can speak in my office.” These were the first words I’d heard him say all night.
I turned and kissed Liza on the cheek. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”
She blushed, then went to join her brothers in the living room.
Scott led us into his office upstairs and closed the door behind him. “This room is soundproof, so they won’t be able to hear from downstairs.”
I nodded and took a seat in an office chair while Rory and Scott sat on the couch across from me. “I’m going to cut right to the chase. I know how Liza was brought to you from the Wylde pack after the members were slaughtered.”
Scott’s eyes went wide, and Rory’s face paled.
I continued. “There was a survivor from that pack, Stone Black, and he says that he was promised Liza many years ago. I’m assuming before the pack… ended. He’s shown up in town, ready to claim her. Stone is a very dangerous man, so I’m working on getting him out of the picture, and I intend to protect Liza at all costs.”
“Fuck.” Scott stood, and rubbed his temples. “How could this be happening?”
Rory choked back a sob. “We always worried that Liza would find out the truth about her past, but our biggest concern was how she’d react to that truth.”
Scott walked to the window and stared outside. “We wanted to protect her. She didn’t talk for six months when we got her. We figured she was dealing with her trauma. The poor little girl was only four. She had to be terrified after witnessing everyone she knew and loved being slaughtered.”