Page 217 of Roughneck
Liam jerked Mack toward the bed, pulling him off balance. He stumbled a few steps and Liam took the opportunity to drag him down to the huge bed with him.
Liam landed on top but Mack growled and quickly flipped them so that Liam was underneath. Liam’s breathing went stuttered and Calla joined them on the bed. She’d been wearing a soft little cotton dress but it was a puddle of fabric on the ground. She slid her bra and panties off before crawling toward them in a way that made Mack want to fuck her senseless.
He went to grab her so he could do just that when Liam said, “Turn over and up on your knees.”
Mack shot Liam a look. It was a look that should have communicated—we’ve already settled this. I’m the top. Always.
But Liam just grinned. “We’ll take it easy on you. Promise.” Then he winked at Mack.
Mack was about to put the bastard in his place but Calla put a hand on Mack’s chest. “Please? Do you trust us?”
Mack stared at her face and the want he so clearly saw there. Did he trust them? Well yeah, but—
“Please,” Calla said again.
And shit, how was he supposed to say no when she was flashing those soulful hazel eyes his way. Not to mention she’d grabbed his cock again and he thought he might start begging if he didn’t have a hot, wet hole to stick it in soon.
“So how do you want me?” He directed it at Calla. He didn’t think he could quite handle the smug look that was undoubtedly on Liam’s face.
“On your knees.” Calla’s eyes sparkled with excitement.
Mack’s chest went tight at exposing himself like that. How many nights had Bone shoved him face down into the bunk and then—
Bone can’t hurt you anymore. Or anyone else. This is Calla and Liam. You trust them. You love them.
Mack swallowed hard and forced himself to roll over. He couldn’t help how tense his entire body went, though.
“Shh,” Calla whispered, rubbing a soothing hand down his spine. She must have sensed his tension.
He hated that. He was supposed to be the strong one. He was supposed to—
“Fuck,” he shouted as a mouth closed around his cock. He looked down and there was Liam’s head between his legs, mouth circling his cock. He was on his back, hand at Mack’s shaft, feeding the crown in and out of his lips.
His blue eyes sought Mack out. They were wide. Unsure. Looked like he wasn’t the only one who felt vulnerable in this position.
For some reason that made Mack relax. This was Liam and this was Calla.
He even managed to stay mostly still when he felt a probing finger at his anus.
But that was because he was paralyzed.
This is my ass, baby boy. No one will ever fuck it as good as I do. I fucking own you. Stop that goddamned whimpering. You want to walk tomorrow? Because I’ll—
“Mackenzie?” Calla’s voice broke Mack out of the memory that was so fucking vivid, for a second, he’d been back there. Under Bone’s stinking body.
“Honey,” she asked, “are you okay? Because I can st—”
“Keep going,” Mack said through gritted teeth. He refused to let Bone have any more of his life than he’d already stolen. Not that it was that simple. How many times had he told himself not to give that fucker another thought?
He’d hoped the nightmares would end now that Bone was locked up again—and dickless. Mack had the satisfaction of learning that the surgeons hadn’t been able to do anything but sew together the little bit of flesh that was left after Mack shot the damn thing to smithereens. Bone was left like a sexless Ken doll, pissing out of a permanently inserted catheter. Nurses were surprisingly chatty when it came to a serial rapist who’d murdered two EMTs in cold blood.
Even knowing all that, Mack had still woken up a couple times in the dead of night, the old nightmares riding him.
Unlike in the past, though, Liam and Calla’s warm bodies tucked against his had soothed him enough to be able to go back to sleep more quickly than he used to. So maybe he’d never be cured in a single stroke. But he’d be damned sure to do everything he could to take back what that monster had stolen.
One of Calla’s fingers pushed against his asshole. He sucked in a breath. Her finger was slick. She must have lubed it. Christ, how long had she and Liam been planning this?
“Shh,” Calla whispered again. “That’s right. Let me in. Let us love you.”