Page 253 of Roughneck
At which point he proceeded to flex his cock inside me to remind me that, oh yes, he was still very much inside me.
I giggled so hard I thought my red face was going to explode. I climbed off him. He made a disgruntled noise, but let go of my waist. After I got off, he turned to the side and discreetly disposed of the condom. Ah, yes. This was not his first rodeo.
Well, I supposed not, as good looking as he was. The fact that he didn’t have a girlfriend or wife was probably the real indicator. Ruth—ever the interrogator-in-chief—had pressed both him and Jeremiah about their relationship statuses.
Of course it was all for the better if he was one of those kinds of guys who might take a number to be polite, but never call it anyway.
I was leaving tomorrow—well, this morning, considering it was now likely far past midnight.
I reached down for my shirt, still careful to make sure my back was angled away from him, and started to tug it on over my head when he reached and tugged on the fingers of my hand.
“Hey, what’s your hurry?” He hopped off the cot and held out his arms in a gentlemanly gesture, only slightly undercut by the fact that he was buck naked. “Look, the mattress is yours even.”
I giggled and leaned over, then grabbed his shirt and tossed it in his directions.
“I’d say, ‘Another night,’ Romeo,” I said with a wistfulness I wasn’t sure was trying to be funny bravado or genuine, “but unfortunately, I leave in the morning.”
Suddenly neither of us was laughing.
And he crossed the distance between us and pulled me into his arms. It didn’t feel sexual. He just held me.
I clung to him back, feeling something desperate in my chest at the thought of leaving in the morning.
I broke away as soon as I could, and tried to smile breezily as I turned and hurried towards the door, then out it, and all but raced back to the house and up to my own bed.
Where I would fretfully reimagine everything that happened back down in that bunkhouse in exquisite detail, on repeat, torturing myself until morning light broke.
Chapter Eight
I finally fell asleep for twenty minutes before my alarm went off, which was not conducive to preparing myself for the day I had ahead of me.
I’d only be starting my new life today. No biggie. Not like I might need all of my mental and physical capacity at full this morning.
I climbed out of bed—the correct bed this time, and couldn’t help my hand caressing the mattress. What would be Reece’s mattress.
Ridiculous, thinking about a man when there were so many bigger things to contend with today. It was probably just a defense mechanism or something. My brain focusing on the hot guy I’d had the incredible sex with last night instead of all the scary things that lay in front of me.
I nodded, deciding that was it as I pulled on my jeans and got dressed.
Ruth was kind and, realizing I didn’t have any other clothes except the ones I’d shown up with, had given me some extra shirts and an old pair of her jeans, along with a couple pairs of faded leggings. The jeans were loose and too long, but I just leaned over and rolled them up, grateful I didn’t have to go downstairs again in sleep clothes just to change into my own in the laundry room.
I folded the few other items, then wrapped them all up in the largest shirt, using the arm sleeves to tie the bundle shut.
It was a pathetically tiny bundle of belongings, but hey, compared to what I’d had just days ago, it was improvement. I was moving up in the world.
I rolled my eyes and then headed down for breakfast.
Or what I assumed would be breakfast. Instead, I walked into a stand-off between Ruth sitting at the table with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at Jeremiah who looked like he’d just walked in the door, Reece behind him.
“What?” Ruth asked. “You expect me to just make you breakfast every morning and help around the ranch? Why should I? It’s not like you’re paying me. And you didn’t inherit a wife with the property, buddy.”
Jeremiah just glared her down as he yanked off his hat. “Never thought I did. Didn’t intend to inherit a landlady with the property either.” He jammed his wide-brimmed hat on the hook. “And I can cook myself breakfast just fine, thank you very much.”
“Oh, let me!” I said, hurrying into the kitchen.
Ruth swung her head towards me, as if I’d just betrayed all womankind. Shit, I hadn’t meant that.
I held up my hands. “Or not. Just trying to be helpful in return for hospitality. Sorry if I’m overstepping.”