Page 279 of Roughneck
I grinned. “Well, I guess we’ll have some fun tonight, then.” I held out my hand. “Payment first.”
He pulled out his wallet and handed over actual cash. I was surprised. I’d give it back at the end, but I appreciated the realistic props. I took the money and stuffed it in my bra.
“All right, cowboy. Get ready to get rode hard and put away wet.” I winked, getting a laugh out of him while I walked around the front of the cab and climbed in.
“Where to?” he asked once I was inside. It was warm, even a little stifling after the cold of the outside.
I leaned in and slid a hand up his thigh. “Hotels don’t usually like my kind,” I whispered, “So why don’t we just drive a little further up the road? I’ve had a lot of johns but I’ve never done it in the back of a truck before.”
I ghosted my hand over his crotch and felt his enthusiasm for my idea.
He immediately threw the truck in gear and then we were spitting gravel as we drove a few more minutes down the road while I continued massaging his thigh, teasing higher and higher.
“Fuck, this is gonna have to be good enough,” he said, slowing down and throwing the truck in park again. “’Cause I can’t wait any longer.”
He turned to me and pulled me to him, so quick and so strong that he all but pulled me up into his lap.
Yes. God, it felt good to be in his arms again. His mouth was powerful and commanding on mine and it made me go so lightheaded, for a moment I almost forgot myself. It felt just like Reece and me stealing away in the night to make out in his truck.
A dangerous part of me wanted to throw my arms around his neck, straddle him, and let him fuck me right here like this—anything to get him inside me and cement our connection. At the same time, a panic alarm went off at the thought of that. So I pulled back.
“Ah ah ah,” I said. “You ordered the full package and the full package is what you’ll get, sir.”
I climbed back off him and before he could utter a single word, I’d hopped out of the truck and was walking around to the back of the truck. Where I found a couple of sleeping bags laid out.
I raised an eyebrow at Reece when he joined me, coming around the other side of the truck. I smirked at him. “Why do I have the feeling that this is not your first rodeo bringing a woman out in the dark to seduce in the back of your truck?”
It was too dark to see if he was blushing, but by the way he ducked his head, I had the feeling I was right. That was good. Somehow it made me feel more in control if he was a little embarrassed. And it reminded me that this was a night out of time.
Control. Yes. That was what I wanted. What I needed, even.
“Sit with your back against the cab,” I said. “You paid to be pleasured, and that is my job and my only desire, sir.” I walked up close to him, running a hand down his chest. “I want to make you come harder than you’ve ever come before. All the things that are too dirty to ask the little woman to do, you can do with me.”
I reached down and grasped his cock roughly, making his breath hitch. I squeezed his balls as I leaned in and kissed him, biting at his bottom lip and sucking it hard. When I let go with a lingering pop, he swore.
“Actually, I have a better idea,” I said. “Something I’ve always wanted to try with a client but I never dared.” I blinked my eyelashes up at Reece. “Are you daring enough to try it with me?”
He sucked in a breath but nodded. “I paid for the full package. I can handle it if you can.”
I grinned. “Good. That’s what I like to hear. Do exactly what I say,” I crooned, “and I promise, I’ll make you feel good.”
He opened the back of the truck and I climbed up, making sure to swing my barely covered ass in his face. I laid down and then wiggled a finger at him to join me. “Jeans off,” I said. “Then climb over my face.”
He adjusted his stiff cock, then nodded. The moon wasn’t full anymore, but three-quarters was still enough to see how wide his eyes were and to be able to follow his motion as he shoved his jeans down, and toed off his boots. He climbed up into the truck bed, his heavy cock swinging between his legs.
I reached out for it, shocked by my hunger to get my hands on it. It jumped with eagerness the second my palm closed around it.
“That’s right,” I said as he climbed up on top of me. I urged him up higher until he was straddling my shoulders, his cock hanging right in front of me.
I brought it to my mouth, ghosting it across my lips like I was applying lipstick. Then I peeked my tongue out to lick just the tip, where his slit peeked out. His entire body reacted at the contact. I grinned and began to toy with his tip while I jacked him up and down with my hand.
Damn, but he was long and well-built. He was the girth of my entire hand. “Big boy,” I whispered, then dipped him into my mouth, sucked hard, bobbing him in and out past my lips.
I did that for several minutes until I finally pulled him out again, lazily licking at the head, stroking him the whole time.
“Now, I’m going to touch you and you’re going to let me because you trust me to bring you pleasure. You paid for it and I’m going to give you everything,” I said as I started massaging his balls with my free hand.
“Okay,” he said, his voice tight, no doubt from everything I was doing to him.