Page 2 of Emotional Descent
“You are costing me money. That pisses me off.”
Chris finally spoke up. “Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m sure you just heard me give her my name.”
Chris’s eyes bounced between me and Trouble. He was anxious. And if I had to guess, he looked about ready to bolt. They weren’t in this together. They were not acquaintances which had me wondering whose side I needed to be on. Even though I now had bad vibes from both of them, one or the other would be my saving grace. With the “I just pissed my pants” look on Chris’s face, I was leaning more toward building an alliance with Trouble. He wanted Chris not me.
“I heard your name. Your name is not who you are, so again, who the fuck are…”
Trouble moved so quickly I barely caught the motion but when Chris grabbed his neck gagging, I realized what that movement had been. Trouble had skillfully punched him in the throat while still holding onto my wrist. Impressive. I shouldn’t have been impressed but I was. The minute Chris called my BookNook boring, I had wanted to do the same thing.
“Wha..what…the…fu..fuck,” Chris gasped, struggling to the point of almost tipping his chair over. I tensed watching their interaction and tugged my arm again. Trouble’s eyes landed on me and I cringed.
“I’d like to go, please.”
“You will, but not yet. He has something that belongs to you.”
“He…what…?” My eyes darted between the two of them. Chris shot to his feet and that was when Trouble set me free, but only to reach into his jacket and remove a gun, which he placed on the table. Chris paused, lifting both hands. Trouble kept his wrapped around the gun but he didn’t lift or aim it at anyone.
“Let’s go. I’ve wasted three days chasing your stupid ass.”
“If I don’t…” Chris challenged but kept his hands up, palms facing Trouble. He only smirked darkly.
“I’m licensed to carry and you are a wanted man. You tell me what happens if you don’t?”
Once more, Chris’s eyes darted between me and Trouble. I could sense he was considering bolting again, but decided against it.
“Fine, let’s go. Doesn’t matter. I’ll be out again in less than twenty-four hours.”
Out of what? Jail?
My eyes narrowed on Chris. What in the world was happening? Trouble lifted, extending to his full height, hand still wrapped around the gun which he didn’t bother putting away. He did, however, return his hand to my wrist and yank me to my feet.
“Let’s go.”
“What, no. You two do whatever you need to do. Someone needs to pay for this…” I lowered my eyes to the table and Trouble grunted. He released my wrist, removed cash from his pocket and a hundred dollar bill landed on the table. He grabbed me again and tugged me toward the area I recognized as the kitchen. I stumbled, trying to pull away, but he glared at me.
“Stay the fuck still. You’ll be free to go in a minute.”
“But I can go now. Why are you taking me with you? Obviously this is between you and Chris, not me.”
“Is that what he told you his name was?” he mumbled lowly and my eyes narrowed and shot up to him.
“Yes, why.”
Trouble grunted again and, surprisingly, as we moved through the kitchen, no one stopped us.What in the entire hell? Are people that insensitive?This guy had a gun, holding one man hostage and manhandling me.
He had his eyes on Chris. We stopped at a metal door and Trouble tossed his chin toward it. “Out, now.”
Chris, or not Chris because I was thinking now that wasn’t his name, pushed through it and stepped out into the dimly lit alley. His head swung left and right…
“Run if you want, I will shoot you,” Trouble said firmly but lowly. Chris didn’t move while the guy walked us over to a black vehicle, yanked open the passenger door, then shoved me toward the empty seat.
“Get in.”
“No, absolutely not. I’d like to leave now while you do whatever with…”