Page 23 of Emotional Descent
We got out and I moved so I would come up behind TekNine and Ty approached from the side. “We’ve been looking for you,Deandre.”
The minute he heard my brother’s voice TekNine pushed his arm around to his back but I fired a shot that hit him in his shoulder and had him stumbling to the ground. Tynan rushed him, fisted the locs tied at the back of his head, and yanked him forward until the guy’s face met the asphalt parking lot.
I grabbed the gun TekNine had reached for while Tynan pressed his foot on the guy’s neck. “For a guy who’s hiding like a little bitch, you’re not very smart,Deandre. You don’t go to the pussy, you let it come to you. That way you can be more aware of your surroundings.”
“Fuck you.”
“Be careful about that,Deandre, because where you’re going statements like that get you fucked,literally.”
While I cuffed him, Tynan called EMS. They arrived and carted TekNine off to the hospital. Tynan and I met his bondsman there along with the cops and gave our statements, then I was on my way. By the time we were done it was after six which fucked up my plans so I made an adjustment. I sat on my bike in the parking lot of the hospital and dialed Keiris.
“You’re late.”
“I apologize. I had to help my brother with something.”
“You shouldn’t demand dinner then not be available for it to happen.” I smiled goofy as shit noticing not only the annoyance in her tone but the slight tinge of disappointment. I needed to rectify that.
“Couldn’t be helped.”
“Are you on your way?”
“Right. Thanks for wasting my time.”
I chuckled, amused because now there was just disappointment. “I was calling to see if we could switch things up a bit. If you don’t mind driving, you can meet me at my place. I have a keypad on the door next to the garage. You can get in from there. I’m leaving the hospital…”
“Are you okay? Is your brother okay?” she rushed out and I smiled wide as shit.
“Yeah we’re both good. I’ll explain when I get there. You cool with meeting me at my place?”
“You’re trusting me to go to your house alone?”
There was that word again. Trust.
“Yeah I am so don’t make me regret the decision,” I teased.
“You might want to rethink thatdecision. You said you had secrets. You’re potentially exposing them to me.”
I chuckled. “You won’t find my secrets anywhere in my house.”
“Well that’s disappointing.”
“ButI’ll tell them to you.”
“Hmmm, that sounds inviting.”
“Don’t be so sure. We have a deal?”
“Yes, but if I find anything I don’t like, I won’t hang around.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to. Hang on….” I texted her the code then lifted the phone again. “I just sent you a message.”
“I got it.”
“I’m like forty minutes away.”
“Ohh, I’m twenty. Let me leave now so I can do some snooping.”