Page 40 of Emotional Descent
“Nope, I’m very clear on how tonight will go.”
“And how is that?”
“Some really good food, a lot of really great wine, and a lot of you threatening his life if he doesn’t make me very happy.”
“Good. So I’ll skip all the prep work.” She winked at me and switched gears. “I still can’t believe you found your guy before my guy found me.”
“Technically he found me. Date from hell, remember?”
“You have a point but either way, I’m happy for you. I’m so damn happy for you because you deserve a good guy!”
“And you don’t?”
“No, babe. I absolutely do but I’m more concerned about good dick for the next couple of years. I love my job and I don’t see fitting a man in my rotation. At least not one who has expectations.”
“Are you sure your job’s enough, Dree?”
“Hell yeah it is. I get to travel the world, enjoying international dick and experiencing the kind of life I couldn’t even imagine years ago. I’m good. For now, this is enough. The real question is, is he enough for you?”
My smile surfaced quickly. “He is and I don’t understand how I know because this was fast and overwhelming but I know he’s enough. I’m happy.”
“And what about all the stuff with his family?”
I frowned and she angled her head to the side. “What about it?”
“A man who wasn’t loved right might not always be able to love right.”
“That’s not always the case…”
“No, it’s not but sometimes it is. You love hard, babe. I don’t want you to get hurt because you give more than you receive. I also don’t want you to end up empty for that same reason. I love you so I’ll always pour into you but that will only get you so far.”
“I know and I love you for caring about me enough to make me see things from all angles. But I promise, Dree, this won’t be one-sided or unbalanced.”
That had been Balor’s past. As much as it frightened me that he and I could end up in that same space, I felt in my heart we wouldn’t.
“Then I trust you to know he’s what you need.”
“Aww, are we having a moment?” I teased. She rolled her eyes and I added, “Because if we’re having a moment then let me slide in there that you should not be afraid of paying for your coffee the way you’re not afraid of sharing your emotions with me.”
“Hoe…” Dreeya grinned and shot me a bird. “Best friends don’t pay and sisters don’t ask, we take.”
“You a rapper now?”
“Shit I might need to be. You see how nice my ass has been sitting lately and it’s not like I have to have talent. It’s all hype, autotune, and ghostwriters.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“Okay so rapper names…”
“No, absolutely not.”
Dreeya rolled her eyes and smiled. “Fine. I don’t need you. I can think of one all on my own.”
I shook my head, knowing she would. Hell if I knew my best friend at all, she might already have a demo tucked away somewhere.
Cardi, your days might be numbered.