Page 46 of Emotional Descent
“That was your fault.”
“Nah it wasn’t. You were having a bad day, I asked you how I could make it better. You hopped on your desk and opened your legs. Was I supposed to turn you down?” He lowered his eyes until they leveled with mine.
“You could have.”
“And Icould havepissed you off, which I know better than to do.”
“I’m glad to know. So since you locked the door…”
“Nah…” He shook his head. “I have a check to track down. I just wanted to swing through for a minute to see your pretty face.”
I frowned hard because what the hell…
“Why did you lock the door?”
He grabbed my chin and kissed me. “Because I knew your horny ass was gonna think I was about to bless you.”
“What happened to not pissing me off.”
“That’s not what I’m doing. I’m giving you something to look forward to.” He kissed me again but this time it was so intense and deep that I was moaning into his mouth and circling my hips against him. When he pulled back and smiled devilishly at me I could have strangled him.
“I’mma see you tonight.”
“Or not. Maybe I’ll just stay home.”
“You can do that and I’ll fuck you in your bed instead of mine.” He winked and my body smiled at the thought.
“You better be glad I love you.”
“I’m more than glad, Keiris.”
“Good because I’m strongly reconsidering. So you better count your blessings.”
He chuckled and when I tried to step away he pulled me back. “I count them shits daily, sometimes hourly. Trust me, I know I’m blessed and I’mma invest everything I am for the rest of my life proving that to you.”
And so will I.
The End.