Page 61 of Alien Legacy
A rumble of varied questions peppered the air and violence threatened to escalate again.
“My dear friends.” Sychar addressed the room.
The silence was instant.
“The fate of Murduk and of all of Akurn rest on what we do next.” He glanced at the small group of noblemen behind him. “These are the commanders you are to report to at this time tomorrow. They will give you the detailed plans of our next step.” He took a deep breath that rattled. “I cannot stress how important it is you maintain discretion until then. Do not, I repeat, do not contact anyone outside this room with this sensitive information. Otherwise, all will be lost.”
Well, hell. Wasn’t that back-assward? Zamush frowned as he checked out the group of at least fifty men gathered in the ballroom. Why bring in all these people in if... wait. He probed Sychar and smiled. They were trying to flush out the traitor in their midst. A profound sense of fear caught his attention. It was in the general area where Jelena’s companions stood. It couldn’t be Abiditan or Katsuki since he’d already taken their blood and had access to their recent memories. Qhasheik didn’t count. He didn’t need to take the alien’s blood to know the guy wasn’t who they were looking for.
Next to Abiditan stood Asu, his face still as a stone, never taking his eyes off Jelena.
A slither of unease slid down Zamush’s spine. Pure instinct made him head toward him in determined strides. The emotion from the Akurn might not be what he thought it was, but there was one sure way to find out.
Jelena sucked a breath at Sychar’s announcement about Murduk. Then things started to get out of hand. Being in the middle of the burgeoning unease in the room made her tense. What if things got out of hand and her beloved got hurt? She jumped onto the stage without a second thought. She meant every threat she said to the angry crowd with her spinning wheel of ice. The weapon was razor thin and could slice skin with ease. None of them could get through her to hurt the man she loved.
She ignored Katsuki’s embarrassed cry. The woman’s constant warnings for Jelena to keep her unusual talents hidden couldn’t possibly apply now. It was up to her to stand between the weakened Sychar and anyone wanting to injure him. Intentional or not.
She snuck a quick glance at Zamush. He’d moved from the side of the room and headed her way, pushing his sleeves up. Stamped on his face was grim determination as his alert gaze made her heart pound. He was on his way to protect her. She shook her head at him and motioned for him to stop.
He did so with a glare.
Satisfied he’d stay put, she took a quick look over her shoulder and told Sychar all was clear. His bright-turquoise eyes met hers for the first time. He saw her. Really saw her. Any second now, they’d bond. Just like she dreamed they would. She held her breath, waiting for their attraction to click.
When Sychar gave a quick nod and turned away, she winced. Nothing.
His eyes didn’t widen, he didn’t smile.
She became numb. Her pet Shther gave her more of a warm response. Even when she irritated him. She let the circle of ice disappear before jumping off the stage to face the room without seeing anything or anyone.
What’s the matter? BoD’s tone was sharp.
Nothing, she snapped. I’ll talk to you later. Not that she’d share how hurt she was when Sychar didn’t give her an instant response. Her face heated.
She blinked, struggling to hold back traitorous tears. Stop it. She chastised herself as she made sure her friend didn’t eavesdrop. The man was injured, for Goddess’s sake. Give him a chance to meet you without all this drama. Then nothing will stop him from recognizing you...
Jelena, pay attention! BoD’s deep baritone startled her. I sense someone in front of you wants to do you harm!
Detached, Jelena watched Zamush stop in front of her and face the room full of men with his arms crossed over his brawny chest. A light hum pinched between her temples as she felt the edges of his strong enthrallment of someone in front of them. She tried to peek around Zamush’s broad back, but he moved when she did.
“Abiditan.” Zamush moved until he pressed her against the raised stage with his undeniable heat. “Clear the room. We have him.”
Have who? Her arms were penned between them and she couldn’t move unless she pushed Zamush’s broad back. Dammit! She wanted to see what was happening.
“Clear the room!” Warad-Mushtal’s boom left no doubt he expected to be obeyed. “Meet with your squadron leaders within the next click.”
A resounding silence. No one moved.
Grumbles along with shuffling footsteps.
She squirmed and caught a glimpse under Zamush’s arm. The only thing she saw was men’s bottom halves as they left.
Their snorts and complaints followed them out of the room.
“Move, you big galoot!” Jelena shoved with her chest against Zamush’s solid back.