Page 17 of Claude & Amata
Without hesitating, they rushed through an arched doorway leading to a wide corridor.
Contrary to the typical sterile environment depicted in most movies, this ship had a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The walls were a creamy beige, while a bright carpet runner with splashes of color covered the seemingly wooden floor.
Amata’s eyes widened at the room they ended up in. It was as if Dr. Frankenstein mated with Martyn Lawrence Bullard, the famed decorator to the stars. The eclectic design of old and new made her head spin.
Blazing towers of electricity buzzed against a far wall. Old-fashioned beakers with specimens in liquid fought for space with the highest technological microscopes and computers on every available counter and table space.
Along with the equipment was a mixture of old and new furniture. The effect was mind-boggling. A set of chairs in the corner could have come from ancient Greece, while a large-screen LED TV took up one wall. In proud display were several busts in marble, bronze, and wood next to vases with Akurn and Earth florals perfuming the air. The neutral color scheme left little room for any disparity in style.
“Where ya want ’im, Ma?” Pete quipped.
Queen Inanna Azneas of Akurn straightened from the computer screen she’d been reading. “Over there.” She pointed to an open space behind her.
Next to her was Prince Consort Adapa, the hybrid father of Raiden and his brothers. Now flushed with robust health, the male didn’t need the stasis pod Claude was in.
Amata went to the queen and gave her and her husband a respectful bow. “Majesties.” She wrung her hands together. “Thank you so much for agreeing to see if there is anything you can do for him.” She waved to the stable metallic surface where the brothers were locking the pod in place.
Inanna’s smooth smile was reassuring. “Of course! Claude helped defeat Sub Prince Murduk and his plans for Earth’s invasion. It’s the very least I could do.” She turned to her swarthy husband. “Right, Adapa?”
It was no secret that Adapa and Claude butted heads more than once. Most of their interactions ended up in heated disputes and bitter disagreements.
Adapa raised a dark eyebrow at his wife. “Of course, my dove. Anything you say.” His eyes narrowed at one of his sons snickering in the background. “Come on, boys. Let’s leave your mother to it. I want to take advantage of being on Earth while I’ve got the chance.” He gave Inanna a kiss before caressing her cheek with his wide palm. “Call me if you need me.” His voice deepened to a husky growl.
Inanna placed her hand over his. “I always need you,” she whispered before giving him a soft kiss.
The dark skin on Adapa’s face flushed when they parted. “Woman…” he rumbled.
She gave him a wicked smile. “Man.”
“Oh, God. Can we leave before they forget we’re here?” Pete groused.
Zamush smacked a meaty palm across the back of Pete’s scraggly brunette head. “Knock it off, Pete. What are you, a ten-year-old? Come on, let’s take Dad to that new place in Copenhagen you’ve been bugging us to go to.”
Pete’s turquoise-gold eyes gleamed. “Yeah! That’d be awesome. Let’s call the girlies and see if they want to join us.”
Amata’s eyebrows rose. He couldn’t be calling their wives girlies. Could he?
Pete whipped out a cell phone from his jean’s back pocket and punched a number as he headed out the door. “Jena!” he exclaimed in the mouthpiece.
Several of his brothers followed with their heads together as they talked. They must’ve expended a lot of psychic energy for Pete to resort to using a phone.
Adapa gave the queen one last kiss and shrugged. “What’s a father to do but spend some quality time with his sons?” With a wide grin, he raced after them.
Raiden clasped his hands in front of him and addressed his mother. “I’d be happy to stay and give you assistance.”
Inanna gave him a gentle smile and patted his forearm. “No, but I appreciate the offer.” She nodded to the empty doorway. “Keep an eye on them, will you?”
It was slight, but a flare of exasperation crossed his handsome face before smoothing out. “If you say so, Mother.”
She laughed. “It’ll be good for you. Make sure Jazmi meets you there. You both have been working too hard lately. Take this opportunity to relax with your brothers and father before another crisis rears up.”
With a dejected sigh, he turned and left.
“Now.” The queen addressed Amata. “Let’s see what we can do for Claude, shall we?”
With a hand on the glass of the stasis pod, Amata watched Claude rest with his eyes closed. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear he was taking a nap. But that wasn’t true. He was in a life-and-death struggle as Queen Inanna examined the readouts from the pod on her handheld.
It was so surreal being there with the newest monarch of Akurn. It humbled her that the queen would drop everything and come back to Earth to see if she could help Claude.