Page 22 of Claude & Amata
Amata glanced at the younger woman. She didn’t need to ask where Jordyn came from. The girl was never far from Michael. All he’d have to do was contact her psychically to ask her to come and get Amata. With a resigned sigh, she nodded and agreed to go with Jordyn and the rest of Inanna’s sons.
Jordyn kept her arm around her aunt’s shoulders as she led her down the hallway to an open elevator.
This portion of the ship was more commercialized than the living portion. Smooth stainless-steel walls matched the checkerboard floor of steel-and-white-spectra-tubing tiles that glowed to give the area a soft light.
“I know you’re worried about him, but if anybody can save him, it’s Queen Inanna.” Jordyn whispered as they entered the elevator.
When the doors closed and the lift moved sideways, Amata noticed for the first time that they were alone. “Where did everyone go?”
Jordyn patted her hand. “They have some things they wanted to do before they joined us in the galley. We’ll have some herbal tea while we wait.” She let go of Amata’s shoulder and grasped her hand, tugging it so they could look at each other.
Amata couldn’t help but smile at the orange starburst around Jordyn’s pupils intersecting the cinnamon color of her brown irises.
“I can’t wait to hear how you and Claude hooked up again.” Jordyn teased as the elevator doors whooshed open. The warm corridor had matching wooden paneling on the walls and floor with a colorful runner to soften their footsteps. “Always thought it was a mistake you let him go.” She looped their elbows together and led the way. “You know what they say, Auntie. Confession is good for the soul. Time for you to fess up!”
Claude was trapped in a living nightmare, his entire body a paralyzed statue of terror. Zombies of people from his past encircled him. Those he’d killed with his own hands. Those who died because of his words or inaction. And those he’d tried to save and failed. The most haunting were the children who stared at Claude with empty eye sockets filled with decaying flesh. Their unrelenting screams of agony and horror echoed in his mind. Everywhere, skeletal, rotted faces whispered accusations at him. Their dense, congealing red-black blood dripped from his trembling fingertips, a symbol of the guilt he carried that would never, ever wash away.
The scene morphed into an Earth decimated by some nuclear bomb or the alien invasion he never stopped. The sight of a destroyed New York made his eyes burn. Dust and debris floated in a red sky. The air was thick with smoke and the smell of burned flesh. He dropped to his knees and clenched his hands. He threw his head back and screamed as the thick, metallic smelling blood squished between his fingers.
A maniacal laugh made him turn his head. Walking his way was the classic image of the Grim Reaper, complete with a long-handled scythe. But instead of a bare skull in the ratty long cowl, the face of the disgraced alien monarch, Sub Prince Murduk, gave him an evil grin. Just a glimpse of the alien despot made Claude mad. He never understood why they let the asshole live. If anyone deserved to be executed, it was him. If he lived, there was still a chance he’d come back and finish what he started on Earth.
“See? They are all dead!” Murduk waved the scythe to the crumbling ash of the big city behind him. “I told you so. I told you so!”
Something warm and soft touched the side of his face.
“Shh, shh. It’s okay. You’re safe.”
Claude stirred, slowly opening his eyes to pure, inky darkness. The shapes and shadows around him took their time to come into focus. Amata’s warmth, along with her soothing voice, washed over him like a soothing lullaby. The gentle squeeze of her fingers intertwining with his allowed him to relax into the comfort of her embrace. Outside the cocoon of their bed, the room was dim to an almost imperceptible hue.
“The worst is over.” His shoulders released their tension at her mumbled promise. “Now, you should rest and recover. I promise you, you’ll feel better the next time you wake up.” She snuggled close. “I’ll stay here with you.”
“You won’t go anywhere?” His throat was dry and raspy, so raw each word hurt. Probably from all the shouting he’d done. No telling how long that went on.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
Claude wanted to resist. Everything within him longed to stay awake, to ask the thousand questions rambling around his skull. He let his heavy eyelids drop and allowed sleep to reclaim him. As he floated into nothingness, she kept the nightmares away.
A purr of pleasure next to his ear made Claude blink awake. When he opened his eyes, he found he was still in the same dim room. A small beam of light from a cracked-open door allowed in a thin sliver of illumination. A soft reflection on the metallic pole across from him showed an empty IV bag by the bedside. Flexing his arms, he noticed the IV wasn’t hooked up to him. Looks like he didn’t need whatever was in it anymore.
The sound of a drowsy feminine murmur brought his attention to the woman in his arms. Amata. She was here. His chest lightened as he held her tight. They were spooning on the bed, her bottom pressed into his groin with her shoulder near his mouth. He took in a deep breath to savor the woman’s delicate scent.
Keeping the mood soft, he nestled his fingers over her bare stomach. He hissed under his breath. Bare stomach. She was naked. The woman in his arms was in all her naked glory. He snuggled his healthy erection against her soft bottom. He groaned at the iron sensation throbbing in his groin. It’d been years since his dick was this hard. And it didn’t help when the sleeping Amata wiggled her sweet bottom against his more-than-ready monster. He lay still, hoping his erection would die down before she woke up.
Amata moaned.
As if by a will of their own, his fingers found one of her breasts. He smiled when he discovered her erect nipple. When he covered the soft mound, Amata moaned again, arching so her luscious flesh ground against him, pushing her breasts into his hand.
Amata’s throaty whisper told him she was half asleep. “Yes, my love?” He nuzzled the side of her neck with light kisses and tentative nips.
“Are you…”
Placing his forefinger under her chin, he tilted her head so he could kiss her. As his lips and tongue caressed her mouth, he kneaded her full breast. She moaned and tried to turn her body to face him, but Claude had other ideas. He held her in place with his body and mouth as his hands slid down, ever closer to the juncture of her thighs. He slipped his forefinger over the slick valley, finding her swollen nubbin begging for his attention.
With a violent shudder, Amata pushed her hips forward, trying to force him into giving her extra friction. When he gave the nubbin a gentle massage, her hand closed over his in a firm grip. She held on as if she had to be a part of him when he pleasured her.
Claude scooted closer and adjusted his hand, making his thumb caress her pleasure center while sliding two fingers inside her. He groaned in pleasure as Amata passionately sucked on his tongue. When he withdrew his slick fingers out of her creamy channel, he gave the nubbin a slight pinch, causing her to jerk from the kiss with a small cry.