Page 24 of Claude & Amata
Amata and Claude froze at the sound of Jordyn coming into the room. Thank the Goddess they faced away from the entrance, so the only thing their visitors could see was Claude’s bare back and ass. With a healthy sigh from Claude fanning her neck, he pulled the thin sheet over them.
“Ready to face them?” His whisper was light with amusement.
“As I’ll ever be.” Her smile was wide as they sat up together. He kept an arm around her shoulders as Amata covered her breasts with the sheet.
Jordyn’s attention fixated on Claude, her eyes wide. “Oh, wow.”
Amata glanced at Claude and did a double take. He looked the same, but completely different. Instead of the handsome, silver-haired, fifty-something man, next to her was a buff young man in his early thirties with a swath of thick, nut-brown hair and nary a hint of crow’s feet around his blue-gray eyes.
Claude wet his lips. “What?” He slicked his hair back, making the long strands wild. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Listen, I’d better get Queen Inanna. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Jordyn put a palm up before racing out of the room.
“What was that all about?” He grimaced. “She stared at me like she’d never seen me before.”
Amata couldn’t help but smile. While she was sure it shocked Jordyn how quickly Claude appeared recovered, it was how different he looked that made her act the way she did. While he had always been a very handsome man, now he was breathtaking. If she wasn’t mistaken, the nanos not only cured his heart and any other internal mishaps, but they’d somehow rearranged his features more symmetrically. His skin was porcelain smooth, with nary a blemish in sight. Even his jawline covered in stubble didn’t detract from his overt male beauty.
She nibbled on the inside of her lip. What if he saw his new reflection and no longer wanted her? She wasn’t naïve. It could happen. Changing from a good-looking man in his fifties to a devilishly handsome one in his thirties could awaken unanticipated feelings in him.
She lifted her chin, determined not to back down from an uncertain situation. She’d never run away from her fears before, and she wouldn’t start now. Sliding off the bed, she put on the robe she’d draped over a chair earlier. She faced him and snapped the belt around her waist.
“By the way, how did you end up naked in my bed?” Claude’s gaze followed her movements as he tilted his head.
His question startled her. Wow, what a random thing to ask. With a brief smile, she answered. “You were freezing, and nothing we did seemed to help.” The corner of her mouth rose in a small grin as she replied. “The Queen thought it might be a good idea for someone to share their body heat to help regulate you.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “And I wasn’t about to let anybody else volunteer.”
His naughty smile tightened something low inside her.
“And I’m ever grateful you did.” He stood with the fluid grace of a predator, his body illuminated by the subtle lighting.
His taut shape made her throat go dry. With every fiber of her being, she yearned to trace her fingertips over the sprinkling of dark hair on his chest that corresponded with the dark richness of the curling hair surrounding his penis. A low moan escaped from her as she watched his stiff erection barely move as he stalked her. She clenched her fingers to stop from reaching out to grab the tempting flesh. There was something he had to see before they became intimate again. And she wanted, with every fiber of her being, to be intimate with him again. Forever.
She put a hand up to stop him from getting any closer. “Claude, I have to show you something first.”
Mere inches from her raised hand, he stopped and crossed his arms over his massive chest. “Okay, if you insist.”
His tolerant grin pissed her off. Not that she’d let her irritation deter her. She grabbed his hand and led him into an adjoining bathroom.
Above the sink was a half mirror.
“Take a look at yourself.”
Claude’s eyes widened in the soft reflection. As if mesmerized, he reached out to the mirror until his fingertips touched the glass. His pupils dilated, making the blue-gray irises into a sliver of a ring. His head drew back as his mouth fell open. “Is that me?” He turned to her and swayed slightly.
Grabbing his forearm, Amata helped steady him. “Yes, that’s you. It looks like the nanos not only fixed your heart, but they also stabilized anything they deemed wrong with you.” She shrugged. “Which looks like they included your aging body.” She cocked her head and squeezed the firm flesh of his sinewy arm. “How do you feel?”
“How do I feel?” He glanced away, his eyes unfocused.
She waited, giving him time to consider the question.
It didn’t take long for a wide smile to crease his full lips. “I feel damn fine.” His eyes targeted her with laser intensity. “Really fine.” He grabbed and lifted her up in his arms.
With a squeal, she wrapped her legs and arms around him.
“Let’s have another go round and I’ll show you just how fine I am…”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Claude tensed.