Page 3 of Phantom
Her musical voice trailed off as she straightened, and her gaze traveled up my body, her head falling back so she could look at my face since I practically towered over her.
She doubled-blinked her jade-green eyes, and her mouth parted slightly, conjuring images of her puffy pink lips around my cock. I pushed them away and smiled at her dazed expression, then frowned when she sucked in a breath before wincing.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. My tone was gruffer than I’d intended, but I was already picturing my hands around the throat of whoever had hurt my girl. My girl?
Well, shit. My brothers had been right. The second I looked in her eyes, I knew she was mine. The petite redhead with big tits and wide, round hips was obviously very young—too young for me. I guessed she was at least eighteen, although until I knew for sure, I shouldn’t have been contemplating how to get her under me. But the truth was, it didn’t matter to me. I was going to claim her anyway, even if I had to wait to do it.
When she shook her head and backed up, I worried that my tone and angry expression might be scaring her. But I didn't see any fear when I locked eyes with her. There was confusion, but I was also satisfied by the desire simmering in them.
When she took one more step, her foot got caught on the seam in the sidewalk, and she began to stumble backward. My hands shot out, and I gently clutched her biceps, but I immediately shifted my hold to her shoulders when she whimpered and grimaced.
“What the fuck?” I muttered. I dropped one hand to her wrist and used the other to shove up the sleeve of her sweater. Bruises in the shape of fingertips marred her perfect skin, and I growled as rage built up inside me.
“Tessa! Let’s go.” My head whipped up to see a man who resembled my girl with the same green eyes and auburn hair. He stomped over to her, clearly not even noticing me as he scowled at her and grabbed her other arm, gripping it tight. “Stupid fucking bank,” he muttered as he forced her to go with him in the opposite direction.
I was about to go after her when my phone rang, and I remembered why I’d come to town. Fucking hell. I needed to go after her. But I also couldn’t disappoint Rom and Layla by skipping out on their wedding…especially when I was a groomsman.
In the end, I decided to get back to the wedding, despite my heart screaming at me, demanding I go find her. However, if I hopped on my bike and followed them, there was a good chance that the man—who I assumed was her father—would call the cops and I’d be detained, screwing over all of my intentions. After so many years of being a spy, I knew how to be invisible, but there was no way to hide while riding a motorcycle…especially my hog.
The logical thing to do was call Grey or Hack, two brothers who were world class hackers. They could locate her, and I’d go get her as soon as they did.
Pissed as fuck at the shitty situation, I stalked to my bike, slammed my helmet on my head, and took off like a bat outta hell.
Once I arrived back at the church, I shoved the money at the florist, then stomped through the building until I found Grey. He sat with his old lady in one of the church pews, but he took one look at my face and kissed her cheek, then murmured something and stood. I pivoted and stalked to an empty corner at the back of the chapel, grabbing a tithing envelope and a pen on the way.
“What’s up?” Grey asked in a low voice so we wouldn’t be overheard.
“Need you to track someone down,” I muttered as I began writing everything I could remember about Tessa and our encounter on the little envelope.
Music began playing, and I silently cursed, knowing I needed to take my place because the wedding was about to start. I finished scribbling my notes and shoved it at Grey. “It’s not much to go on, but this is top fucking priority, brother.”
Grey skimmed it and shrugged. “I’ve worked with less.” He peered at me and cocked his head. “Mac approve this as top priority?”
Frustrated, I grunted and shook my head. “Haven’t had a chance to tell him, but…she’s mine.”
He absorbed my words for a minute, then our attention shifted to the large, carved wood chapel doors as they were propped open, and ushers escorted the first guests to their seats. Grey slipped the paper into his pocket and lifted his chin toward the dais at the front of the room. “I’ll get on this as soon as we get back to the hotel tonight. We better get to our places.”
I nodded and made my way up to the front. Rom was pacing under the flower arch, and I rolled my eyes as I approached him. “Worried she’s gonna ditch your grumpy ass?” Rom glared at me but cracked a smile when I laughed and grabbed his hand to pull him in for a back-slapping hug. “Happy for you, brother,” I told him before taking my place with the other groomsmen.
The ceremony was probably very nice, but as hard as I tried, I couldn’t pay attention. All I could think about was Tessa and what she might be going through at that moment. The only thing that kept me sane was the glimpse of irritation I’d seen on her face—rather than terror—when her father had pulled her away. I’d instinctively known she had some fire in her, but I was willing to bet that she was going along with whatever predicament she was in to keep the peace while she figured things out. Well, I was about to sort that shit out for her.
I saw through as much of the reception as I could, but when I spotted Rom and Mac waiting for their women by the restroom, I stormed over to where they lounged against the wall.
They both looked up, and their brows furrowed at my furious expression and tone. “I need help,” I growled.
Mac frowned and pushed off the wall. “Whatever you need, Phantom. What’s goin’ on?”
“I saw…I met…fuck!” I cursed as I ran my hands over my head. “My woman. I found her. But…there were bruises. Shit. I have to get to her.”
“We’ll handle it,” Mac assured me, giving me a small trickle of relief. Not that I had expected Mac to brush off my request. Whether Tessa had been my woman or not, if I’d told him that I met an abused woman who needed our help, he would have been just as ready to help.
“You talk to Grey or Hack already?” he inquired.
I nodded. “Grey’ll start searching as soon as they get back to the hotel tonight. I’m headed back now so that I’m ready when he finds out anything.”
Mac nodded but didn’t say anything since his old lady, Bridget, and Rom’s bride, Layla, stepped out of the bathroom. He kissed his woman’s forehead and smacked her ass. “I’ll meet you by the cake, baby.”