Page 40 of Fury
He’d never been able to hide shit from Birdie. The other man had been on point with everything his whole life. This was the man that had killed for Fury, had done time for him, and Fury was being eaten alive by keeping shit from everyone.
It was wrong hiding this from the MC, from his family.
“I was doing what I thought was right at the time.”
“What’s going on here? Who is she?” Stone was the one to ask, tipping his chin toward Angelina.
Angelina stepped out from behind him, and Fury glanced at her. She was already looking at him, her eyes wide, and the nerves clear on her face. She finally faced Stone and Birdie, and a second passed before she spoke. “I’m Angelina Cardona.”
Fury felt the air become chilled as both men straightened and looked at each other.
“You’ve been holed up here with Angelina-Fucking-Cardona, Fury?” Birdie said and took a step closer but braced a hand on the arm of the couch as he grimaced. “As in Sal Cardona’s daughter?”
Fury didn’t respond but did wrap his arm around Angelina’s waist and pull her close to his side. “Sit down, and calm the hell out. I’ll explain everything.”
But Fury knew explaining wasn’t going to make this any easier to take or make it less of a betrayal to his club.
“Iknow where they’re at,” Nando said into the receiver. The sun had since set, and the only sound that could be heard out here in the middle of fucking nowhere was the crickets chirping.
“Where?” Sal’s voice was hard on the other end of the cell.
Nando told him the coordinates.
“They have Angelina?”
Nando braced his hand on the windowsill “She’s fine, from what I can tell. There are three club members with her at the cabin, and from what I can see she’s gotten pretty close with one of them.”
Sal was silent for a second, and then cursed in Italian. “That fucking bitch betrayed her blood.”
Nando knew Sal didn’t care so much about his daughter’s wellbeing as much as he cared about his own safety. Angelina could be used as leverage against the Cardonas, and that meant Sal needed to rein this shit in tight.
“I’ll take a plane tonight to get there and drive up by morning.”
Nando hung up the phone and tossed it onto the passenger side seat. He’d parked the vehicle a good ways off from the main road that lead to the cabin.
Even with his scope, from this vantage he couldn’t see the cabin, but he’d trekked into the woods for a better look earlier today.
He looked behind him in the back seat where the girl was still passed out. He’d given her a heavy sedative, and she should be waking up come daybreak.
But the longer he stared at her, the more he felt this desire grow. Nando didn’t deny he was fucked up in the head, but that’s what allowed him to be the cold-blooded killer he was. He reached out and ran his finger over her bare foot.
Her skin was soft, warm.
Nando didn’t keep women around. He used them for the amount of time it took him to get off, and then he kicked them the fuck out. But this young, innocent woman piqued his interest and had the flame of desire burning bright.
He was a sadistic asshole, and he knew this pretty little thing could make him feel pretty fucking good. He’d show her what it meant to have his marks on her body.
But not before he used her a little to show the MC who and what they were up against.
He faced forward again, his cock hard just from the thought of all the things he’d do to her. Nando needed to focus on the task at hand.
If the rest of the club didn’t show up, they would soon enough once they knew Sal and he were there.
The girl might not be anything to them, but she might be, as well. Either way, he’d have fun with her, even if the MC didn’t want anything to do with her.
“This is going to be a very interesting situation,” he said to her, although she couldn’t hear him. Nando smiled, anxious for what was to come.