Page 20 of Shadowed Agenda
OMG.Regan’s heart stumbled. If Isla looked in her direction, she’d spot her through the gaps in the greenery. It would look like Regan was spying on them.
Very mature, Regan. She cursed herself for hiding. She should have gone up to the man and introduced herself.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to step in?” he asked. Whoever the guy was, he was good looking and had money—an expensive suit, tie, and shoes. While Regan didn’t have a type, Isla most certainly did. This guy definitely fit. He looked to be in his forties, the same age as Isla.
“That won’t be necessary,” Isla assured the man. “Regan can be a stubborn bitch, but I know how to handle her.”
They were talking abouther, and her friend had just called her astubborn bitch. Her chest tightened. Regan could barely breathe.
When she knew what she wanted, Regan would dig in her heels. She didn’t let anyone take advantage of her. That didn’t make her a stubborn bitch.
“Let me know if you need help,” he said.
“She’ll do the signing,” Isla said confidently.
The man looked at his watch. “If I don’t hurry, I’ll be late for my meeting.”
The two of them walked toward the hotel exit. Regan let out a huge breath.
She remained hidden as she dug into her purse and pulled out her phone. Isla had insisted the Senator’s office had reached out to her. There was more to Isla’s involvement in setting up the private book signing than confirming the date, time, and place. Regan wanted to know the identity of Isla’s new boyfriend and started taking pictures.
Regan slipped from behind the tree and took a photo as the guy kissed Isla goodbye. It certainly wasn’t a peck on the cheek. Regan wondered how long Isla had been dating the man.
Her finger hovered over Pavlo’s contact number.
This was personal. She’d thought Isla was a friend. She’d confided in the woman.
Pavlo would scowl even more if he found out what Regan was doing, but she needed to deal with this herself. She’d find out what was happening and then be satisfied with firing Isla.
Regan dug through her bag and pulled out the paper with Finlay’s cell phone number. She’d instantly liked the investigative reporter and was certain she’d help her. Finlay had an excellent reputation. If she couldn’t discover the man’s identity, no one could.
Isla was about to find out whatbitchreally meant.
Chapter ten
Somethingwasgoingonbetween Regan and Isla.
Pavlo stepped out of the taxi onto the sidewalk in front of the hotel. He held the taxi’s door open for the two women and helped them out.
Regan’s witty humor on the radio talk show had been forced, and she hadn’t taken any digs at him. Whenever Isla had asked her something, Regan’s responses had been terse and to the point. She’d refused to get dragged into casual conversation. They’d traveled in silence for most of the ride to and from the radio show.
“The photo shoot is at one. We should have lunch together and talk about the shoot,” Isla said, turning to Pavlo and Regan. “The photographer Streaming hired is exceptional. Our advertising team spoke to him. After the shoot, he’ll take extra shots that we can use the week of the mini-series and movie release to capitalize on the exposure.”
Regan’s mouth pressed into a thin line. Pavlo didn’t think lunch was a good idea. He cupped her elbow in his hand, prepared to steer her in any direction except the one Isla was headed.
“Regan!” Finlay shot out of nowhere and threw her arms around Regan. Pavlo stepped to the side. “Hey, girl. I thought you’d never show up. We’d better get moving, or they’ll give our reservation away.”
Without missing a beat, she turned to Pavlo and said, “I hope you don’t mind. I made the reservations under your name. It was the only way to get a table for three.”
“My pleasure,” Pavlo said and grinned. The woman’s performance was Oscar worthy. It explained how she consistently scooped the competition. She’d know how to blend in anywhere.
Finlay smiled sweetly and added, “You realize that and the fact that my sister is your sister’s BFF was the only reason you were invited? And you know you’re paying, right?”
“Wouldn’t have expected anything else.” Pavlo laughed, playing along. He didn’t know what was happening but was in if it meant ditching Isla.
Isla’s saccharine smile and white-knuckled grasp on her handbag showed how she felt about the change in plans. She stepped forward and extended a hand. “Isla White. Regan’s and Pavlo’s publicist.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Finlay replied, shaking the outstretched hand. “Amanda. Regan and I did our Ph. D.s together at Columbia. Thanks for helping to make our girl a bestseller. Everyone knew she had a brilliant future ahead of her.”