Page 22 of Shadowed Agenda
“I did,” Regan said.
“Most of the few photos have…” He studied the pictures of Isla with her male friend again. A leaf obscured part of one shot. The leaf in another photo was focused, while the rest was blurred. A tip or edge of a leaf was visible in the others. Pavlo didn’t think it was an artistic addition. He looked up at Regan. “You hid behind a plant in the lobby and spied on them?”
“And overheard Isla tell the guy she would make sure I did the private book signing,” Regan said, her arms crossed.
Anger at what Regan had overhead shot through Pavlo, then disappointment. The reason behind the impromptu lunch with Finlay became clear. “You didn’t trust me enough to ask for my help. Instead, you sent the photos to Finlay.”
“It has nothing to do with trust,” Regan said, shaking her head. “Isla used me. I wanted to handle it myself. I didn’t expect…”
“… me to include you in this conversation,” Finlay interrupted Regan, handed him a foil-wrapped hot dog, and then passed one to Regan.
“At least one of you has common sense,” Pavlo grumbled, although he had to admit he’d have done the same thing despite the flawed reasoning. He didn’t like being used, either. “This guy could be dangerous. There’s no telling who he is.”
“Gage Palmer. Senator Aster’s aide.” Finlay took a bite of her hot dog and moaned. “So good.”
Pavlo shouldn’t have been surprised at the man’s identity. Isla had said someone from the Senator’s office had contacted her. He wondered when Gage Palmer had contacted Isla.
“I was curious, so I called a friend of mine in Washington,” Finlay said between mouthfuls of hot dog. “This thing with your publicist and Palmer is fairly new. They met at an animal sanctuary fundraiser in DC six weeks ago. Isla was on the board when she lived in DC. Mrs. Aster usually attends with her daughter, but this year, it conflicted with an event at her son’s school. Palmer attended in place of Mrs. Aster and her daughter.”
The timing was interesting. Two weeks later, he and Regan had received the detailed tour schedule. A note at the bottom mentioned that Isla was working on potential private book signings.
Finlay swallowed the last bite of her hot dog. “No one has really commented on it. Palmer is a love ‘em and leave ‘em guy. If Isla is looking for a long-term relationship, she picked the wrong guy. I don’t peg Isla as a short-term relationship person. She’s too serious for that.”
Pavlo was impressed. He’d thought Javier had connections. It looked like Finlay was equally well-connected.
“The mystery celebrity you’re doing the book signing for, is it Mrs. Aster?” Finlay asked and looked at Regan.
“Yes, but I refused to do it,” Regan said, shaking her head. “I can’t imagine why Isla would think I’d even consider it.”
“I’m sure your refusal went down well.” Finlay snorted. “There have been rumors Senator Aster is preparing to write a book. My friend spoke to a friend of a friend, and Isla is meeting with the Senator on Friday before he heads back to the Capitol.”
“So Isla promised Regan would do a private book signing in exchange for an opportunity to speak with the Senator and pitch her services,” Pavlo said. It would explain a lot.
Finlay looked at Pavlo. “I don’t have to tell you that Isla deliberately leaked the information about the book signing to force Regan into doing it.”
“There have been other incidents,” Pavlo said. He was an excellent judge of character, and from what he’d seen of Finlay, she was as concerned as he was about what was happening. He knew she’d called in some favors to get the information to have gathered it so quickly. “The Senator’s supporters have become involved.”
“Shit.” Finlay’s eyes widened. “I’d considered doing a piece on the Senator and his supporters. A small group of radicals are responsible for the violence during protests and harassing people who they feel have slighted the Senator or Mrs. Aster. After some research, I figured it was best to remain off their radar. They’re dangerous.”
Pavlo pulled out his wallet and handed her his Shadow Defense Security business card. “There’s always someone at the number. My number is on the back. Text me later so I have your number.”
“I have to go. I’m interviewing an author at the book convention.” Finlay hugged Regan. “Be careful. Call me if you need me.”
“I know what the Senator’s supporters are capable of,” Regan said, running a hand through her hair. “Thank you. I owe you one.”
“No, you don’t. That’s what friends are for.” Finlay hugged Regan and motioned to the Gelato cart further down the block with a slight tilt of her head.
“How does Gelato for dessert sound?” Pavlo asked Regan and motioned to the Gelato cart. “I’ll be right back,” he said, not waiting for her response, afraid she’d follow him. That one was going to cost him. He hadn’t even asked her what flavor she wanted.
“Hey, if you’re paying, I’ll have one too,” Finlay said and ran to catch up with him. “I can eat it on the way back to the hotel.”
Drake had his eye on Regan, so Pavlo knew she’d be fine sitting on the park bench alone. His friend wouldn’t hesitate to appear if he felt something was off.
Pavlo waited until they were far enough away that Regan couldn’t hear their conversation. “She’s going to be pissed when I tell her we found out that Nicholas has business dealings with the Senator.”
“I found three,” Finlay said. “I also know that the backers for Nicholas’ first company are still in the picture.”
Pavlo raised an eyebrow. “Do you think Nicholas’ appearance is just a coincidence?”