Page 31 of Shadowed Agenda
“Thank you,” Pavlo said and dug into his pocket. He passed the bellhop a twenty. Anya had been a starving college student once.
“Wow! Thank you, Mr. Barislov.” He smiled and pocketed the tip.
Pavlo chuckled as he walked away. The guy had recognized him. He imagined the bellhop was trying to figure out how he would use the helmet in his next book.
Pavlo breathed a sigh of relief when Drake exited the stairwell next to the bank of elevators. He could hand everything off to his friend and check on Regan. Once Finlay had explained Regan’s reason for contacting her, Pavlo respected her decision. This situation was different. He suspected someone in the crowded elevator had shoved the bullet casing into Regan’s hand. The threats were escalating. Again, the feeling he was missing something swept through Pavlo.
“Creative,” Drake said, smiling as he approached him. “I was working out how to handle the helmet without ruining any prints. That’ll work. Once I’m done, I’ll send it to the lab so the prints can be verified by an expert. They’ll have the proper packaging to transport it.”
“Let’s hope we get lucky,” Pavlo said, handing him the hanger.
“I spoke to Javier as I made my way down,” Drake said as they walked to the elevator.
It was late, and the lobby was deserted. The book convention’s opening banquet would wind down shortly. Anyone not attending the banquet was probably heading to bed.
“He’s contacting a friend with the FBI. They have files on the Senator’s militant supporters,” Drake said and punched the up button for the elevator. “We’re hoping there’s a photograph of the men who attacked her in the park or the fake reporter who harassed Regan. We could pay them a visit and get a handle on the situation.”
“Regan has publicly insinuated that she’d be doing the book signing,” Pavlo said as the doors opened and they entered the empty elevator. He pushed the buttons for their floors. “They should have backed off.”
“Maybe they’re waiting for Isla to confirm Regan’s acceptance?”
“Maybe,” Pavlo said, but wasn’t convinced. The feeling they were only glimpsing a small part of a much bigger picture persisted.
The elevator door opened onto Drake’s floor. “Wish me luck,” he said as he left.
The doors closed, and a minute later, they opened again. Regan was sitting where Pavlo had left her. She stared at the brass casing and rose when he exited the elevator. Her hand curled around the object meant to terrify her. The expression on Regan’s face confirmed it had done its job.
Regan gathered information for her books by doing online research and interviewing people. Pavlo had the experience and the scars to prove his villains were real. This situation wasn’t something she could handle on her own. Pavlo doubted she even knew how to fire a gun.
She had to stop holding back important pieces of information. He’d be ineffective in protecting her if she did. She needed to trust Pavlo and Shadow Defense.
“A motorcycle gang was waiting for them outside the hotel,” Pavlo said when he’d reached Regan’s side. “The guy in Central Park, wearing a red ball cap and dressed as a runner, seemed in charge of the group.”
Regan expelled a deep breath. “So they got away.”
“Not before the guy dropped his motorcycle helmet. Drake has it and will dust it for prints,” Pavlo said. “If he has a record, we can identify him and stop the threats.”
“I’m not a threat to them,” Regan said, her voice small. Her hands shook as she opened her handbag and pulled out a scrunched-up strip of paper. She handed it to him.
Pavlo straightened the piece of paper. It was torn from a book. He read the three highlighted sentences.
“You are,” Regan whispered.
Chapter fifteen
“Youweren’tgoingtoshow me the shell casing.”
She planned to get Pavlo angry, and she’d succeeded. He was fuming.
“You weren’t going to show me this either.” Pavlo waved the slip of paper with the threat in the air before he placed it in the same pocket as the shell casing. “What were you thinking?”
“I didn’t want you to suffer because I was caught up in something ridiculous and dangerous.” Regan wrapped both arms around her stomach. Fortunately, the nausea had subsided, but the dull ache persisted. She needed to take a couple of painkillers and lie down. Whoever elbowed her had put force into the blow.
“You were trying to protect me?” Pavlo said sharply.
“I thought if I annoyed you enough, you’d gladly walk away when I told Javier I could care for myself and focus on keeping Emmeline safe.”
“Regan, this is what Shadow Defense does every day. This is whatIdo.” His voice was warm and full of concern. He wrapped his hand around hers and drew her closer. Pavlo looked down at her, worried. “You saw the photograph of me in full gear.”