Page 44 of Shadowed Agenda
It seemed all of Pavlo’s friends were built like Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson. The Latino was a couple of inches shorter than Pavlo, and his black hair fell to his shoulders. His eyes were as sharp and assessing as Pavlo’s as they quickly took in the hotel suite. If first impressions were anything to go by, the detective was an experienced investigator.
“I didn’t expect such a quick response. I hope we didn’t pull you away from something important,” Pavlo said as he shut the door behind the detective.
“It was a good thing I knew you were in town. When I heard the call come in, I told dispatch I’d take it,” Hector said, his mouth twitching in amusement. “I assumed it was you. It seems you guys can’t keep out of trouble.”
Pavlo howled and clapped the man on the shoulder. “Do you do anything other than work?”
“Not lately.”
“Regan, this is Detective Hector Nocito,” Pavlo said.
“Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Christenson. I wish the circumstances were different,” the detective said, smiling, and extended a hand.
“Regan, please.” She smiled and shook his hand.
“Thanks for helping me out, Detective Nocito,” Regan said and sat on a sofa chair opposite him. Pavlo took the chair beside her.
“Please, ditch the detective. It’s Hector.”
Regan acknowledged his request with a nod.
He pulled a notebook and pen out of his suit jacket pocket and flipped open the notebook. “So why don’t you start from the beginning? I’ll ask questions later.”
Regan’s gut churned when she described her panic attack and the decision to take the stairs.
“I’d asked Pavlo for five minutes so that I could work through my fear.” She shook her head and inhaled a jagged breath.
Five minutes had felt like an eternity.
Chapter twenty
Pavloblamedhimselfforwhat had happened to Regan. He’d need more than two hands to list the number of situations he’s seen turn bad in less than five minutes when he was a SEAL. Pavlo was responsible for keeping her safe, and he’d failed. At least this time, he’d been able to catch the guy. Baldy would spend a couple of years in prison.
Pavlo’s cell buzzed in his pocket. It had to be Drake. “I have to take this,” he said, getting up from the chair.
“I can always catch up with you later if I need to,” Hector said. He scribbled something on his notepad and turned back to Regan.
Pavlo walked to the other side of the room, leaned against the small desk, and answered the call.
“Once the cops were on the scene, our friend insisted on seeing a lawyer,” Drake said. “It didn’t take much convincing for him to answer my questions.”
“I figured it wouldn’t,” Pavlo said.
“You called it. Baldy is hired muscle. While he and his biker friends support the Senator, they list their services on the Dark Web. The Senator isn’t their only client,” Drake said. “He’s never spoken to the Senator. Someone higher in the organization does.”
“When were they hired for the job?”
“Two weeks ago. Arrangements were the same as usual. Half their payment, pocket cash for other expenses, and a burner cell were left in a luggage locker. The contacts on the cell were Regan’s and a list of people loyal to the senator. Baldy used some of those people to trap Regan in the elevator last night.”
“Were you able to unlock his cell and pull off the contact information?” Pavlo asked. They still had nothing to go on, but they could find something on the list of names.
“Baldy used a fingerprint lock on the cell phone. I laid out the two options I could use to get it unlocked before the cops arrived. Fortunately, he’s squeamish.” Drake gave a half-suppressed laugh. “He decided it was in his best interest to unlock the cell.”
Pavlo grinned. Baldy’s butterfly knife would look like a child’s toy beside the knife Drake habitually strapped to his calf. “Did he share why he was hired?”
“His information was vague. He was told Regan refused to meet with Mrs. Aster, and they needed him to encourage her to change her mind. I asked him about the tulips. He insisted they weren’t his doing. I believe him. I don’t think he’s a book reader.”
Pavlo snorted and shook his head. He could hear someone talking to Drake.