Page 83 of Shadowed Agenda
“Wila wasn’t the target,” Regan said. “It was the Senator. She was behind everything that happened.”
“We heard most of it.” Pavlo tilted his head toward the missing pane of glass. “Our sniper planted a bug on the window.”
“Give them the all clear, Talia,” Pavlo said, holding his gun against his thigh. “Senator, please don’t move until the police have arrived. I wouldn’t want a trigger-happy newbie to shoot you.”
“Son, I’m still trying to figure out how the hell I’m still alive. I don’t think I could move if I tried.”
“We’ll take it from here,” Jake’s voice boomed behind him. “Red, Mrs. Aster is coming around. Read her her rights. I imagine she’ll be contacting her lawyer.”
Pavlo checked Palmer’s pulse. “Dead.”
He moved to the unconscious man covered in blood. Talia had identified him as the paid assassin. She’d watched him place his gun at the bottom of the carry-on case before Regan and the biker showed up. Pavlo placed his fingers against the man’s neck. “Pulse is thready, but it’s there.”
“We’ll need an ambulance.” Jake continued to bark out commands as Pavlo rushed over to Regan.
“Emmeline?” Regan placed her hand on his arm as Pavlo crouched down beside her.
“She’s fine. Mackenzie has her. The four kids napped through the entire takedown,” Pavlo said and chuckled. “Your daughter cried the entire ride back to Oak Lake. The kidnappers were a wreck. Drake and I had the situation under control within fifteen seconds. Mackenzie’s exact words as we cuffed the guys were, ‘You don’t piss off a two-year-old.’”
Regan laughed and then winced. Pavlo’s stomach dropped to his feet. She was hurt.
“Don’t move he said. I need to check you over.” He ran his hands down her legs. Regan pushed his hands away.
“The blood is Blaine’s. I’m fine.”
“Blaine?” Pavlo looked at her. He’d missed a lot in the few hours they’d been separated.
She jerked her thumb at the man on the floor. “My photographer.”
“You don’t have a photographer.”
“No one else would know that.” Regan held up her hand so he could help her up. “Finlay was right. The bodyguards didn’t check our bags. Wila counted on that. It was the only way to get the gun into the house. That’s all they needed me for.”
“Why you? There were other authors they could have picked.”
“Bad luck. As Isla bored Gage with the book tour details, he noted the dates coinciding with the Senator’s stay at the hotel. They’d already planned to kill the Senator. They were looking for the means. Gage worked out the loose details at the animal sanctuary fundraiser. He insisted it was Isla’s idea and added a bribe to ensure it happened.”
“Isla admitted it had been Gage’s idea when I spoke to her. It was to her advantage to let everyone believe she’d come up with theincrediblepromo opportunity.” Pavlo wrapped his arms around Regan. He’d been so close to losing her. “I was scared I’d be too late.”
“Ow!” Regan’s hands pushed against his chest, and he let her go. “The blood isn’t mine, but the bruises underneath belong to me. So does the splitting headache.”
The accident.
Pavlo should have expected her to be banged up. She probably had a concussion. He’d feel better when a doctor had checked her out. He was certain Regan would claim she was fine.
“What did you do to Blaine?” Pavlo asked as an officer kneeled beside the man and checked for a pulse again.
“Beard gave me his hunting knife.” Regan shook her head. “He knew they would kill me and refused to break his contact with them. The knife was his way of helping me.”
“Beard?” Pavlo raised his eyebrows.
“Ms. Christenson. I’m Officer Shirley Stevens.” Shirley approached them, armed with a notepad and pen. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? We’ll get a formal statement later.”
“As long as I can sit down somewhere quiet.”
“How about the deck?” Shirley pointed to the broken window. “We don’t even have to walk far.”
Pavlo grinned as Shirley stepped over the bottom of the window, ignoring the broken glass. She gestured with her pen to the wicker couch with soft cushions and pulled up a matching chair for herself.