Page 17 of We're All Liars
I move forward, and she takes a step back, turning to rest her back against the metal lockers. “That’s my question.” I reach out and place my hands on her hips, moving flush against her. “Is this really about football talk or is it something else?”
She moves her lips next to my ear. “Right now, it’s you who is getting on my nerves. So, do me a favor and fuck off.” Slipping out of my hold, she begins to walk down the hallway. I waste no time following behind her.
“Or should I just fuck you to put you in a better mood since you haven’t had a good fucking lately?”
That stops her. She rotates and walks to me. “I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself and miss the game. I can handle my own shit.”
Her back is to me before the last word is even out of her mouth. Oh, she’s not sexually frustrated. I’m sure of it. This goes deeper. And I’m about to piss her off some more. “I’m here if you need me. Just give me the signal.”
A familiar middle finger is pointed my way as she holds it up in the air and keeps on walking away.
Me and my stupid fucking plans. If I had any sense, I would’ve said fuck all of this and ended the championship bid weeks ago. But no. I chose to go for the long-term torment. And in return, I’ve extended my own. Right now, it’s in the form of cheering at another one of these stupid fucking games. And after this one, there’re three playoff games before the championship. It seems out of reach for the team. But nothing is out of reach for me. Not usually, though this feels like it’s never going to end.
And the main reason causing that feeling is running off the field after throwing a touchdown pass to Topher. Instead of jumping around with the other morons, he’s taking off his helmet, keeping his eyes locked on me as the band starts up the fight song for the fourth time. The other team hasn’t even put any points on the board, so it’s not exactly a nail-biter.
Cade stops for a second to stare at me. The smile he had leaves his face as something like concern morphs across it. I turn my back to him and join in on the stupid routine. It’s better than having some asinine staring match. I spot my dad heading in Cade’s direction, shouting praises at him for extending their lead right as I turn around to face the crowd in the bleachers.
It’s almost over.
It’ll be done soon.
All of it.
When the band stops playing, I turn back to the field, my poms behind my back as I watch the game. Another touchdown is scored by the Wildcats before halftime. To my shock, when the team returns for the third quarter, Cade stays on the sideline when the offensive line jogs back out.
After a snap to the backup QB gains three yards, Cade turns to look back at me. I know there’s confusion on my face as I point to my knee and ask, “Is it okay?”
He nods. So, Dad must have pulled him since Saint Juliet has such a lead on the other team. Why does that make me feel better? Because for a few minutes, I thought there was really something wrong. And that’s when I know for a fact that everything is wrong.
“Shit,” I mutter under my breath before I hear Ava from beside me ask, “What is it?”
I was louder than I thought. “Nothing.”Everything.Because as much as I’ve tried not to, I know I care about him. I know I have all along. If I hadn’t, I would’ve ended whatever it is between us weeks ago and just fucked someone else until I found a replacement. But I don’t want anyone else. Holy shit, I only want him.
But I can’t let him know that. Even if I think he already does. Admitting the truth to myself and admitting it aloud are two different things. And I’d rather be a liar than be at the mercy of Cade Crawford again.
* * *
“What the hell, Morgan?” Topher hoots as he hangs over a pony wall at Neil’s house.
“Great.” I down another shot of tequila. “What did I do now?” I mean, whatever Topher is grumbling about, I probably did. I just don’t want to fucking hear him whine about it right now; not that I have much of a choice as the intoxicated lug stops in front of me.
“Oh my God. Just fucking say it, Fontenot.”
“You broke up the band,” Topher wails, and I get even more irritated.
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about. But my mistake. Sorry.” I take another swig of liquor.
“My boy won’t even party with us anymore because you broke his heart.” Topher tilts his head down and gives me a weird look, like he’s scrutinizing me. “But since when do you say sorry for anything, even if it’s a less-than-heartfelt apology?”
“Yeah. I’m not sorry about that.” Because I really thought Cade would be here too instead of sulking off somewhere all alone. It’s not like we’re on great terms, but I thought we were over this I’m-staying-away-until-you-give-me-the-signal-and-confess-your-love bullshit.
I really don’t like the shit-eating grin that spreads across Topher’s face and hate his words even more. “He got to you.”