Page 20 of We're All Liars
“Shut. Up.” But he doesn’t have a choice because my mouth is over his. With his tongue occupied by tasting mine, I’m satisfied when he grips my hips tightly, turning me to face the wall. His fingers dig into my skin as he pushes inside me. My palms brace against the tile, my ass shifting back to meet his thrust.
When he reaches around, his hands on my pussy, I know his intention. We’re both about to come and get our quick nut. I’m good with that because I need this release. The craving building inside is almost too much, my body already wants to collapse onto the floor and just relax. But it’s his unsteady rhythm that makes me wonder if I’m not the only one having trouble keeping up this morning. Before I can make some comment about him needed a break, I’m riding out my orgasm while he hurriedly pumps inside me. After going rigid for a few seconds, he pulls out.
I turn to face him. He gives me a quick kiss, then backs up slowly to sit on the shower seat as he says, “We’re already late. So, I might as well enjoy the show.”
His eyes greedily take in my naked body, but all I can focus on is the way he sat down. Because his leg was slightly extended, and he braced himself with his hands. Maybe I can read him, too, because I know exactly why he did that. “Your knee is still bothering you.”
“No, just want to sit and watch you.” His hand strokes his semi hard dick, his eyes on my chest.
“I thought we were done lying to each other, Crawford.”
Yeah. He’s busted. That expression tells me what I need to know before he says, “It’s a little tender but nothing that doesn’t go along with playing ball.” He stands with no hesitation, but it could easily be an act now that he knows I’ve noticed. Bending down, he gives me a quick peck before saying, “But don’t call me out on my lies until you’re ready to fess up to all of yours.”
“Motherfucker,” I mutter under my breath but loud enough to make sure he heard me.
“As always, truth hurts.”
She’s barely spoken a word since we arrived at school. It’s not like we were able to talk on the ride over because neither of us would cave on who was driving. I wanted to drive my own truck, and of course, she insisted on taking her Audi.
Once we’re inside the school building and walking down the main corridor, I grip her wrist and pull her to me. “Be pissed at me. Hurt me. Tell me to go fuck myself. We’re not moving backwards. You’re not going to push me away.” I move closer to her. “Because this time, I will push back. Like I should’ve done years ago.”
I brace myself, but it’s about a minute before she breaks eye contact, her vision locked on my chest where I feel her fingers fumbling with my tie. “You’re lucky you waited before you decided to challenge me. Because I would have buried you without a second thought back then. The pain was too much. And I wouldn’t have hesitated to hurt you severely.” She tugs my tie, bringing my face closer to her. “And it still wouldn’t have erased the pain. And doesn’t matter now.”
This is one of the few moments where I see the hurt girl I left behind again. Because she wasn’t the same person when I returned. There’re a million promises that I need to make to reassure her, but even if I was able to find the right words, Thatcher puts the brakes on the situation when he shouts down the hallway, “Get to class. No loitering in the hallway.”
Morgan and I don’t move from our stance as Thatcher approaches. “Mr. Crawford, Miss King, the two of you are already late. Run along.” He gives me an encouraging pat on the shoulder. “Can’t wait to watch the Wildcats win tonight. Don’t get yourself into trouble and miss the big game.” There’s a second where he nervously glances to Morgan before he tells me. “There’re a lot of people counting on you.”
Thatcher continues down the corridor as I lean forward and whisper in her ear. “There’s only one person I’m concerned about. I don’t give a fuck who else is counting on me. There’s only one person who matters to me, and she’s right here. And she hasn’t handed me my ass yet today.”
“Don’t count your blessing too soon, it’s only second period.” She wiggles out of my grip and continues down the hallway.
Damn. That could’ve gone better. But it could’ve gone worse. Thatcher is half right. I need to get mentally prepared for tonight. Because Morgan is the only thing on my mind right now.
Throughout the day, I’m able to shift focus as much as I usually would. I’m not worried about the game tonight, even after hearing again how much the Cardinals have improved. We faced them earlier in the season and easily took home the win. This is one time where history will definitely repeat itself.
“Where’s Morgan?” I ask Savannah when I drop down in the chair at the lunch table. She shrugs and glances around. “I haven’t seen Ava either.”
Well that gives me an uneasy feeling. As I stand, I hear Neil announce, “There they are.”
For some reason, my dread doesn’t decrease at the sight of them walking into the café together, and even more alarming… Morgan smiling.
She steps over to me and drops on my lap, talking animatedly to Ava about the pep rally. Morgan is way too excited. What the fuck is up with that? Before I can figure out what she’s up to, a tone plays over the intercom. The café gets quieter as the sounds of voices become clearer.
“But you’re my principal, we shouldn’t do this… but I want you.” A female’s voice.
Thatcher says, “No one will find out. My wife is out of town. Make yourself at home.” The speaker makes a scratching sound before what is clearly sounds of people having sex play over the intercom. “I knew you were a dirty girl.”
What. The. Fuck. There’s hooting, hollering, and whistling around the room. Students laugh, teachers scramble while yelling to shut it off, but the sounds keep playing to the entire school.
Morgan remains seated on my lap, contentedly listening. I knew she had something planned for him. But this? “Did you really just play that for everyone to hear?”
She leans back, her mouth next to my ear. “The video was too risky, being that she’s a minor. But NOPD should’ve received a copy of it already.”