Page 3 of We're All Liars
Even though I’m making the drive alone to the away game, it still blows. Before, I was able to justify being on the team for one damn reason or another. Even if none were good. Well, except for going along with it because of Dustin. But would my brother still want me to join the Wildcats if he knew the complications it would inevitably bring? He doesn’t even know all of it at this point.
When I pull into the Mustangs’ stadium parking lot, I spot the team bus already here. Coach had insisted everyone ride together, but I didn’t want to chance his spawn getting the bright idea to hitch a ride on it also.
Taking a quick glance around, I don’t catch her in my sights. There’d been a few moments where I’d spotted her at school today, but the only time I’d actually looked at her, I’d been met with a smirking expression from the devil. Because she knows. This time she went too far. And she loves that fact. Why would bringing my mom back be the final straw after all the wicked shit Morgan has done? I don’t know. But I think the realization that Morgan kept in touch with Mom is the worst part. All these years, I had no clue where my mom was, if she was okay, or even still alive. Meanwhile, Morgan was having girl chats over the phone with her.
I wait in my truck for another ten minutes until I finally force myself to grab my bag and walk into the visitor’s locker room. Coach doesn’t say anything when I walk past him, he only gives me a quick nod that confirms he’s glad I didn’t bail. I’m sure he was questioning if I would this morning after last night with my mom showing at the fundraiser. It didn’t take a genius to figure out it was Morgan’s scheming, but I didn’t say anything other than quick, one-word responses to his questions.
Neil and Topher are chatting until they notice me approaching. Concern morphs over Neil’s face as he watches me set my bag down on the bench.
“Hey, I tried to call you to see if you wanted to ride with here with Savannah and me.”
“I drove.” Obviously.
There’re a few seconds where Neil gauges me before he continues, “Are you coming to my house after the game?”
“Not really up for a party.” If that was ever the truth, it is right now. I’d rather swim across the river than spend a night partying in the vicinity of Morgan King.
“I can always call it off.” Neil falls into his nervous speed-talking habit. “We can just hang. We don’t have to have everyone over.”
“Downtime sounds good,” Topher agrees, but none of it sounds appealing.
“Nah. I’m good. I’ll catch the next party.” Doubtful, but I don’t want Neil to feel guilty. He wanted this season to be a fun-filled-senior-year type of vibe. I’m not going to stand in his way, but I’m not going to participate, either. Not tonight. I’d rather sleep at the docks alone. Just like I did last night. I know it’s a matter of time before Dustin or one of my worthless parents tracks me down there. But thankfully, they’ve all left me alone so far. And it’s a good thing, because I’m not ready to face them. I’m not sure I’ll ever be.
“Cade,” Neil says, “let me know if you change your mind.”
I nod. But that won’t happen. I’m aware of a few more concerned gazes from Neil as I get ready for the game, and even Topher throws a worried glance my way. Thankfully, none of them want to chat and just leave me be until we take the field.
Surprisingly, once the game starts, everything falls into place. At least my body and mind do. Probably because I’m thankful to focus solely on football, the game, the plays, and winning. Not once do I look over to the sideline at the demon cheerleader.
Her voodoo hexes must not work, because I walk away unscathed. And the Wildcats are one game closer. There are two more regular-season games before playoffs begin, and then there’ll be even more before we reach the finish line for state. Why can’t I just quit the team? Winning is actually helping along with her plan to ruin her dad. But just walking away and spoiling that doesn’t feel like enough. She’d easily veer off and find some other tactic to torment him. God knows Morgan can make anyone suffer easily and with little effort. That is her talent—other than lying—she’s skilled at inflicting misery.
Just when I think I’m as miserable as I can be, I step into the parking lot and spot a few people standing around my truck. I’d almost rather see Morgan than the ones I’m spotting. Because it’s Dustin along with my mother and father.
I don’t acknowledge them at first and just walk past and drop my bag in the bed of my truck. When I finally look their way, all three sets of eyes watch me. Waiting. Expecting. They should get ready for disappointment.
“One big happy fucking family reunion,” I announce before reaching to open the driver’s door of my truck.
Dustin shifts in front of me. His hands up as he begs, “Please, Cade. We’re worried about you.I’mworried about you. All I want is a few minutes to check in with you. We thought maybe we could go grab a bite to eat. We don’t have to talk, just hang out for a few to make sure you’re okay. And hey”—he waves a hand over the stadium—“to celebrate that win.”
His beaming face sends a jolt of fury through me. I’ve never once wanted to hit my brother, but right now, I want to punch him in the mouth. He doesn’t get it. And I don’t get what he’s so happy about being surrounded by the two people who don’t give a fuck about either of us. “Yeah. I actually got to win tonight and didn’t have to lose the game on purpose.” I look over to my dad who won’t meet my eye. Shocker.
“Cade, don’t—” Dustin starts, but I cut him off.
If it was anyone other than my brother, I’d opt to use my fist to shut his mouth, but I stand nose-to-nose with him, restraining my hands at my sides as I say, “No, youdon’t. Don’t push them motherfuckers on me like you pushed playing ball on me. It won’t work. There’s nothing on the surface of this planet that will get me to sit at a table across from them.” My hand lifts, pointed at my pathetic parents as I yell in my brother’s face. “And right now, I don’t want you in my sight either. So go play house with Mommy and Daddy. When they bail on you again, give me a call.”
Dustin remains silent. It’s Mom who steps beside us. “This isn’t Dustin’s fault. Don’t be angry with him.”
My brother shifts back. The only thing I move is my head, turning my face to look at my mother. “I’m more than fucking aware whose fault it is. My anger at him is because he’s allowing the two of you back into his life. But that doesn’t mean I have to.”
“I don’t deserve to be a part of your life. I understand that.” A tear slides down her cheek. And my anger boils.
“I lost more than you could ever comprehend.” Even as much of a bitch as Morgan is, and by her own doing, I can only imagine what would’ve happened had I not left when she needed me most.
“I know.” My mom’s voice is low as she says, “Morgan told me about the pregnancy.”
The statement knocks the wind out of my chest. It takes me a few seconds before I can ask what I really want to know. “When?” Mom looks confused as I yell, “When did she tell you?”
Her eyes don’t meet mine as she responds, “A few weeks after I left. I wanted to come back and check on you. Or call you. But I didn’t think you’d want to speak with you.”