Page 20 of Dirty Like Us
“He said, ‘You’re management, you can steer him in the right direction.’ I told him I don’t make those kinds of decisions, or give that kind of career advice to Zane Fucking Traynor. But I did tell him you were pretty busy with Dirty and your othercommitments.”
Zane tipped his chin at me, a little proudly, I think. “Good for you, Maggs.” He considered me sidelong, his head cocked in a dangerously sexy way that made my gutsclench.
No, not my guts. A little lower thanthat.
“I gotta say, though,” he added slowly, “even if you begged me, with my cock in your mouth, I don’t think I’d ever record a song with thatfuck.”
“If I begged you with your cock in my mouth,” I replied dryly, “I don’t think you’d hearme.”
His gaze held mine, something dark and twisted at work behind those ice-blues, but I refused to lookaway.
“Maggie,” he said. “You know you deserve so much better than he ever did for you,right?”
“Well… yes,” I said. And I did know it. Deepdown.
Of course Idid.
But holy hell, did I ever need someone to say that to me rightnow.
Okay. Not just someone.Him.
Hearing those words out of Zane’s mouth and knowing he meant them made everything go kinda blurry around the edges. And as his gaze held mine, a familiar chaos began to unfurl insideme.
The thing about this was, I did not dochaos.
I did neat andorderly.
Zane Traynor was the last thing from neat and orderly, and I knew this. Zane Traynor was messy. Hence, why I did not do ZaneTraynor.
Still, I’d tried my best over the years to keep our relationship neat and orderly. No matter how I tried that, my feelings for Zane were not neat and orderly; they were, in fact, a complete and totalmess.
They were notrational.
They were complicated and, at times, utterlyconfusing.
Most of the time, they were not in my bestinterest.
Which was why I usually pretended they didn’texist.
What I’d learned from that? Denial was a powerful survivalmechanism.
Until itwasn’t.
“So how did you two leave things?” he asked, still studying me. “And don’t tell me you ate more of Dizzy’s shit, or I really will have to killhim.”
I blinked at that, feeling kinda blindsided by this clusterfuck of emotion I had no idea what to dowith.
One giant downside to being a tough girl who generally avoided getting the feels over every little thing? Kinda made it hard to process the feels when they showed up, and when they showed up large…yeah.
But it was hard not to get the feels just now. Because, in a neat and orderly and even objective sort of way, the fact of the matter was that when Zane wasn’t acting like a total madman and trying to get in my panties, and I wasn’t avoiding him because I secretly wanted him in my panties but knew it was a very, very bad idea to let him go there, he was a great friend to me. Yes, Zane Traynor was without a doubt the most frustrating, perplexing, and maddening person I’d ever known. He was also hilarious, patient, steadfast and smart, and he always had my back. He always nailed the one thing that trulymattered.
Zane was always there forme.
And I’d been there for him, too. At least, I’d tried like hell to be, no matter how many sleepless nights it cost me. I’d lied for him, against my better judgment, to countless women, covering for him so he didn’t have to reject them in person. I’d picked him up, literally, when he fell down drunk. I’d bailed him out of jail when he got himself in trouble. I’d held Dolly’s hand in the hospital waiting room when he got himself in worsetrouble.