Page 22 of Dirty Like Us
She was so fucking pretty when she laughed, it made the vise around my chest squeeze tighter at the thought of the shit that useless fuck of a father said toher.
“Babe,” I said, “maybe you should slow down on the jellybeans.” I watched as she shoveled a handful of them into her mouth. She seemed a little blitzed from the champagne, probably more than she realized. The sugar rush wasn’t gonnahelp.
“It’s okay,” she said. “I’m not driving anywhere.” Then she laughed, her soft, husky laugh, and I fuckingmelted.
Christ, but I was whipped for thisgirl.
I pushed the room service tray aside and moved to sit on the edge of the low table, facing her, leaning my elbows on my knees to look her straight in theeye.
“Don’t punish yourself because your old man’s an asshole,” I told her. “You’re better thanthat.”
Her eyes locked on mine, and she sobered for a second. “Yeah,” she said softly. Then she sat up, dropped the rest of the jellybeans back in the martini glass and stared at her hand. She sat there with her elbows on her knees, facing me, picking at the jellybean colors that had stained her palm. “You know if I don’t laugh about it though, it just hurts?” She looked up at me with those gorgeous gray eyes, and I knew for fucking sure I could murder that man. Sleep like a baby afterward knowing he’d never hurt heragain.
“I know,babe.”
“He really, actually thinks I’m useless,” she said, her voice wavering a little. “I swear he thinks you guys just keep me around as some kind of party favor. You know, like, ‘Hey, I didn’t have time to pick up some chicks tonight, here, just pass Maggie around.’” She shook her head and laughed, but there was no humor in it. “What anass.”
“Not your fault,” I told her. “That’s his fault, Maggs. His failing. Nothing you can do about it. Just how he viewswomen.”
Her eyes met mine, and there was a world of hurt in them. “Guess you would know,” she whispered. She stared at me, and I stared right back. Then her gray eyes went wide. “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “That came out allwrong…”
But we both knew itdidn’t.
“It’s okay, Maggie,” I said, my voice soft. “I’m gonna let you have that one, because you’re right. I don’t give a fuck about women. The only woman I’ve ever kissed and actually gave a shit about wasyou.”
She stared at me, shaking her head a little. “That’spathetic.”
“It is what it is. And you knowwhy?”
“Why?” she askedwarily.
I leaned toward her, like we were sharing a secret. A secret that meant fucking everything. “Because we’refriends.”
Her mouth curled in the whisper of a smile. “Yeah,” she said. “Weare.”
“We are. And you know whatelse?”
“What else?” she asked, her tone stillcautious.
“I think we should getmarried.”
It tookabout five minutes for Maggie to stoplaughing.
I sat back in my seat, ate a few jellybeans, even flipped through one of her shittymagazines.
Then I’d had enough. She was still laughing her ass off, sprawled back on her lounge chair, tears shining at the corners of her eyes. Clearly, she’d keep right on going if I lether.
I tossed the magazine on the table and stalkedover.
“Oh, God, thanks,” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes as I stood over her. “I really needed a goodlaugh.”
I leaned down, set my hands on the arms of her chair, swung a leg over and lowered myself on top ofher.
“What are you doing?” She started to jackknife up, but I was on her too fast. I got my knees on either side of her and dropped my hips to hers. She fell back against the cushion and lay staring up at me. The feel of her, soft and warm beneath me, delicate and strong, sent a rush of blood straight to my dick. I was already getting hard again. It was starting to piss meoff.
“I’m asking you to marry me. You could take it fuckingseriously.”
And maybe I wasn’t thinking straight, with all the blood hammering to my cock, but I never said shit I didn’tmean.