Page 30 of Dirty Like Us
Like who? Your good pal,Zane?
Whatever. This didn’t really mean anything,right?
You’ll get married for real, to someone kind and handsome and sane, when you’reready.
And by the way, you lookbeautiful.
For a moment as I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror, I felt proud and so intensely sad it nearly tore me open. I had to drop down to a crouch and take a few deep breaths to keep myself fromcrying.
God, she would’ve been so proud of me. Even like this. Even though it was a stupid pretend wedding and I was just doing it to stick it to my dad… she would’ve stood byme.
Hell, she would’ve laughed her ass off when I told her aboutit.
This isn’t like you, Maggie May. But that’s okay,too.
And she’d beright.
So I was about to do something dead-crazy and totally out of character tonight. This wasVegas.
Why not go allin?
So hitting up a wedding chapel with Zane Traynor wasn’t exactly the least self-destructive thing a girl could do on a Friday night. It’s not like I didn’t knowthat.
In fact, I’d be the first girl to tell any other girl who cared to ask that Zane Traynor was exactly the kind of guy you screwed in the bathroom at some off-the-hook party after a few too many drinks; afterward, maybe you told your girlfriends about his otherworldly body, his giant dick and how many times he made you come with his demonic tongue. Maybe you masturbated to the memory a few times or a thousand. Then you moved on. You met that handsome, sane, regular guy who might also have an otherworldly body, if you were lucky, but who hadn’t fucked half thecontinent.
Zane wasnotthe guy you took home to your father, so to speak; even a father likemine.
He was most definitely not the guy youmarried.
No matter how much the idea might be sparking some misguided yearning deep in my gut, setting off a stupid thrill that was permeating my body and making me sweat just a little. No; Zane Traynor wasnotthatguy.
Which was why I was not letting myself get carried away with what thiswasn’t.
This was not Zane suddenly doing a one-eighty and becoming the man of my dreams. As in, the hottest rock god I’d ever laid eyes on, talented, charming,andcommitted, suddenly willing to give up his legions of adoring groupies to throw down and love me—and only me—for the rest of hislife.
This was Zane pulling a classic Zane stunt, and me, for the first time ever, going along for the ride. Willingly. A little recklessly, but with goodreason.
And my dad was thatreason.
Tomorrow we’d laugh about the whole thing and go on with our lives. Down the road, we’d have one hell of an inside joke.Hey, remember that time we got pretend-married in Vegas to fuck withDizzy?
I stood up, taking a few calming breaths. The tears still sparkled in my eyes but I blinked themback.
Not a real wedding. No cryingallowed.
I checked myself in the mirror one last time for signs of distress. Nope. Shit totally together. And damn… the dresswassexy. Slinky, clingy and tiny, I usually wore it as more of a long shirt with leggings and a littlejacket.
But when I stepped out of the bedroom a moment later and I saw the look Zane gave me, and the look Flynn gave me, too… I knew I could do it. I could rock this suddenly-a-bridething.
“Flynn,” I said, nodding my approval at Zane. “Goodchoice.”
Flynn had been a member of Dirty’s security team for three years, and he was solid as they came. And definitely discreet. The guy had barely spoken more than a few dozen words in my presence in the years I’d knownhim.