Page 34 of Dirty Like Us
“I think, traditionally, it’s supposed to be a blue garter, but I didn’t have one of those on short notice.” She bit her lip again, smiling. “You think this’llwork?”
“Yeah,” I said as she lowered her dress back down. “It works,babe.”
Then I leaned in and caught her mouth with mine. Just felt like the right thing todo.
I wasmarryingthegirl.
I wrapped my hand around the back of her head and kissed her slow. I held her tight, breathing with her. I didn’t want to let her go. I just wanted to taste her, to smell her, to make her mine in everyway.
Should that have scaredme?
I’d never wanted anyone like this. Never wanted anyone to belong tome.
Never wanted to belong to anyone… until I metMaggie.
She pulled away, licking her lip and gazing up at me, heat and a strange unease thudding between us. Couldn’t say what it was. Didn’t know if it was bad or good. Just knew I wanted to kiss heragain.
I leaned in and brushed my lips tohers.
“Hey, youtwo.”
Dizzy’s voice grated through the moment and I felt Maggiestiffen.
I glanced over at him. He was standing by the open doors into the main room, at the foot of the short, red-carpeted aisle, and wearing a shit-eating grin. He offered an elbow to Maggie, and I walked her over, gently handing her off tohim.
“Let’s do this,” he said, and Maggiesmiled.
“I’ve got something to say.”
The ceremony was short and sweet, but when the dude launched into the standard wedding vows bullshit, I spoke up, cutting himoff.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” He looked from me to Maggie and back. “It was my understanding that you hadn’t written anyvows.”
“We didn’t,” I said, holding Maggie’s gaze. She looked a little panicked. Probably wanted me to just stick to the script, but fuck it. “Got something to say to mybride.”
The dude cleared his throat and gestured for me to take the floor. “Ofcourse.”
“It’s not much. Just something I need to say to you, here and now, in front of your dad.” I didn’t even glance over at Dizzy. Didn’t have to, to know he was eating this up. “The first time I met you,” I told her, holding her hands tight in mine and looking straight into those gray eyes, “I thought you were adorable. Also thought you wouldn’t last. You had those invisible braces, remember?” She smiled a little and chewed on her lip. “And so much fucking courage. You stayed. You never gave up on me, even when you should’ve. Since the beginning, you’ve been my girl. Even though you didn’t know it yet. Far as I’m concerned, this is just making official what I’ve always known. I love everything about you, Maggs, even the stuff that annoys the shit out of me, and I’m never letting yougo.”
Her gray eyes flared at that. Probably because me declaring outright in front of Dizzy that I was in this for the long haul went against her little plan that we’d soon get “divorced.” Well, fuck that. She agreed to marryme.
I never agreed to give her a divorceafterward.
She stared at me, stammering out some stuff about loving me too, when the dude promptedher.
After that, I’d have to say it was kind of a blur. Maybe because my eyes were kindawet.
Chapter Eight
“You catchthe look on Dizzy’s face when they pronounced us husband and wife?” Zane nuzzled into me so he wouldn’t be overheard; his arm went around my waist. He’d barely let go of me since we’d left thehotel.
To any observer, we probably looked exactly like newlyweds should look. Happy, a little adrenalin-buzzed, and all over each other. Random people honked their horns at us as they droveby.
We were standing on the curb outside the chapel, about to pile back into the limo, and Zane had put his cap back on, so I didn’t think anyone saw his face. They were just happy for us. Total strangers, and they were probably happier for me than my own dadwas.