Page 41 of Dirty Like Us
“What did you tellhim?”
“I said we’d meet. Day aftertomorrow.”
“What, here? InVegas?”
I blinked at him. “You’re on a flight at like eight in the morning. No way Dizzy’s up early enough forthat.”
“Yeah,” he said,unconcerned.
Slowly it started to penetrate my foggy brain. “You’re really meeting up with him like you said youwould?”
He shrugged. “This is my wedding night. I’m all high on nuptial ecstasy. Already forgot what he and I talked about.” He cocked his head like he was trying to pull up some distant memory. “Did I even talk toDizzy?”
I smiled, big time. “You are one damn good husband, ZaneTraynor.”
“Always knew I would be.” His eyes were locked on mine, and he was so close I could feel his breath on my face. When did we get so close? I became aware of my hand, which I’d planted on his thigh at some point, but I didn’t removeit.
His gaze dropped to my lips and lingeredthere.
I glanced down and away, because I couldn’t keep looking at hisface.
“You have beautiful feet,” Iwhispered.
I could see them now, sticking out the legs of his frayed jeans, naked, his strong, graceful toes wiggling with latent energy. Like a tiger’s tail twitching just before itpounces.
When I looked back up he was cocking an eyebrow at me. Shit. I just said that outloud?
Right… now I remembered the other reason I made it a practice never to drink too much in Zane’scompany.
He licked his lips. “You say one more thing like that, Maggie May, and I’m gonna kiss you. Consider yourselfwarned.”
“What? About yourfeet?”
“About myanything.”
Turns out I didn’t have to say a thing. I just kissed himfirst.
I really couldn’t say what I was thinking when I climbed onto the bed with him; when I snuggled up to him like he was some asexual man-friend with innocent cuddling privileges, instead of a diabolical, sex-hungry man-whore with a permanent hard-on.
I couldn’t say what I was thinking when I kissed him, either. If I was thinking atall.
Apparently I’d had just enough booze and pot and weirdness over the course of the night to allow myself to go there. For once, not to question his motives or worry about what this meant or warn myself I was making the world’s most massivemistake.
I just leaned in and laid one onhim.
His lips were soft and gentle in a way I didn’t expect. It kinda took my breathaway.
When we’d kissed just before the wedding ceremony, and during, those were hungry, passionate kisses. The first a slow burn, the latter a blazing fire. Maybe they were for show. I couldn’t honestly tell which was the real deal; this kiss or those. Or maybe all of the above. But I fell into it, this kiss. I tilted my head a little when he pushed in deeper, opening for him. He swirled his tongue against mine, tentatively, and when I responded with a little moan I didn’t even know was coming, he took my face in his hands and cranked up theheat.
After that, I had no idea whathappened.
I lost track of myself in the ensuinginferno.
We were horizontal on the bed, making out like animals, and Zane’s shirt was gone. Maybe it had incinerated. Somehow I was underneath him, and his hands were working their way up under my dress… and I didn’t want to be anywhereelse.
“Fuck… Maggie… I’ve wanted you… wanted this… for solong…”