Page 23 of Irresistible Rogue
“Oh, you wanted help? I thought you were bitching.”
I got up. “I’m going. I have training. Tell the guys about the fight. You’d all better be there. Andnotwatching it on pay-per-view.”
“Uh-huh. Get laid or something. You get moody when you don’t get it enough.” He was already back on his laptop, typing away. “I keep telling you, you need a girlfriend.”
“Nice talk, bro. So glad I came to you instead of Lex.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“You’re a real peach, Dane Davenport.” I slammed out of the room.
“You’re moody!” he shouted after me. “And you’re not ready for this fight!”
I went back and leaned into his office. “You know what? When you had Devi problems and you came crying to me, I helped you out.”
“Get your ass inside and close the door,” he growled. “I work here.”
I rolled my eyes and stepped back inside.
“Yeah, you helped me out,” he conceded, “for about five minutes. The rest of the time you gave me a hard time and you loved every fucking second of it. Come to think of it,” he mused, sitting comfortably atop his high horse, “it is fun being on this side.”
“There’s no side, Dane. You’re just an asshole, right up the middle.”
He chuckled.
I turned to leave.
I stopped. “What the fuck now?” He was right. I was moody.
“Tell her you like her,” he said, with exaggerated patience, like he was addressing a kindergarten brat who’d just crammed a handful of paint in a girl’s face, “and you’re sorry for that stupid thing you did.”
“Is that what you did with Devi?”
“Honestly, not nearly as soon as I should have.”
Yeah. That might be solid advice. If I actually liked her.
“You are seriously dense. I don’t like her, okay? Idislike her. These are opposites.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself.”
“And I didn’t do anything stupid. She’s the one who fucked up, not me.”
“Heyyy, what’s up?” Lex strolled in like he owned the place, smelling of motorcycle exhaust. Because Dane was basically a giant fucking hypocrite who disapproved of my dabbling in illegal activities while his own brother was an outlaw biker, for life. Lex went to clap hands with his brother, saw me standing there, glowering by the door, and looked back and forth between us. “Are we doing lunch or what?”
“Why didn’t you just tell me Lex was heading over?” I grit out.
Dane smiled.
“Hey, I’m here now,” Lex said jovially. “No need to fight over me.” He sprawled out on a couch. “What the hell did I just walk into?”
“Shane was just telling me a story,” Dane said, looking way too happy to have company on this. He held up his hand as if to silence me. “Let me see if I can summarize it. You meet a girl and you give her a fake name. She tells you she wants a one night stand, and she gives you a fake name…”
A grin crept across Lex’s face.