Page 43 of Irresistible Rogue
He was wearing a suit. Dressy-casual, the shirt undone a bit, no tie.
I stared.
He wasn’t alone.
There was a woman, a brunette, in front of him. I heard her gasp and moan in a way that couldn’t possibly mean anything other than what it clearly did, and heat radiated from my chest in a sudden flush.
Shane had her pinned against the side of the low car.
She was bent over it, her chest pressed to it, her ass in the air. His hands gripped her bare hip, his fingers digging into her softness, and presumably, his dick would soon be inside her.
His pants were still on, but the position he had her in kinda said it all.
I really couldn’t tell if she was pretty since her hair was covering most of her face. All I could see was her mouth, wide open in an ecstatic O. Her tiny dress was hiked up, baring pretty much everything south of her waist. Not that it covered much above it.
Her skimpy panties were down around her knees.
I blinked stupidly and angled for a better view, which happened to be spinning slightly. But I saw it.
I saw Shane’s hand lift into the air and then slap down, hard, on her ass. And my inner thermostat pretty much exploded. My face boiled. My whole head throbbed like my face was suddenly too tight for my skull.
And the really screwed up thing was:I couldn’t look away.
Maybe I was a complete masochist—maybeshewas a masochist—but I kept watching, as the woman kept gasping and purring and Shane slapped her again… as he slid one hand up her back to seize the back of her neck, roughly, slamming her down… andI just. Kept. Watching.She didn’t seem to mind the killer grip he had on her.
In fact, she seemed to love it.
She squirmed against it, leisurely, like a cat baking contentedly in the sun, and he leaned on her harder, slapping her ass so hard I sank my teeth into my lip.
Then she stiffened.
I realized I’d made a noise. A gasp.
I bit my lip and held my breath, realizing that if they turned their heads, they’d see me standing right here, watching them.
My heart slammed in my chest as I utterly froze.
Shane stilled, too, raising his head to listen, but he didn’t let her go. I held my breath until it hurt. But it wasn’t me that had interrupted them. Someone was leaving the house by the front door. I heard distant voices calling goodbyes and good-nights and people getting into a car.
The brunette started to get up, but Shane shoved her down by her neck. At the same time she said “Shh!” and giggled, and he laughed, a low, throaty laugh that made my skin tingle all over.
I wavered a bit and grabbed hold of a tree branch so I wouldn’t fall right over. I couldn’t seem to work my legs.
The unseen car started up, and Shane turned his head toward it, listening as it pulled away down the driveway.
Then he slapped her ass again, squeezing hard, his fingers digging into her ass cheek. She made another one of those ecstatic, helpless noises and he groaned in pleasure.
My stomach turned over, caught between horror, disgust, and uncontrollable arousal.
The golden light skimmed across Shane’s profile as he shifted. I saw his face clearly,thatface, as the light etched the features I’d seen so often in memory: those wolfish eyes under dark eyebrows, the strong jaw and thoselips.
Those lips I’d once kissed. A lot.
She whispered something; he whispered back. I saw his white teeth as he smiled.
They were both smiling. They were laughing, together. And I didn’t know which was worse, the spanking or the smiling or the laughing, but something—everything, this entire night—turned my guts inside out.