Page 57 of Irresistible Rogue
Really, I could sympathize. I mean if that was really what she believed about me for four fucking years, then I really was the monster she seemed to have decided that I was.
I’d been accused of many things, and many of those things I’d been guilty of. I was no saint.
But I wasn’t that monster.
“My father’s name was Hunter. That’s what I was told.”
She turned around, but said nothing.
“No one seems to know who he really was. He’s a mystery. I just throw it out there sometimes when I don’t want to give out my real name.”
She stared at me. But she still didn’t say anything.
“So, I guess your rabid wolf and swamp troll theory is shot. Although… he could’ve been a wolf called Hunter. From what I hear, my mom really was a swamp troll.”
She regarded me in silence for a long moment.
“Self-deprecating humor will not win you points here,” she said. But at least she’d calmed down. She wasn’t shouting anymore.
Then she sat down on one of the lounge chairs, two over from me.
“That’s why your last name is different from theirs. Madrigal was her last name, right?” She spoke without looking at me.
“I think it was meant to be respectful. Like an ‘in case his mother ever comes back for him’ scenario.” She didn’t come back. The police could never find her, either, so maybe she changed her name. But by the time I was in high school and standing out in hockey, everyone knew me as Shane Madrigal. It was the name on the back of my jersey. Why change it at that point?
Making me an Ellis wouldn’t magically make me feel any more a part of this family.
Jolie ate a little bite of her berries and whipped cream, then kind of scowled like the idea of eating was making her sick. She stuck her spoon back into it and just sat there, holding it in her lap, perched at the foot of her lounge chair with her back to me.
“Tell me something. Why would I pretend I didn’t know who you were when I did, and then have sex with you just to upset you when you found out?”
“Because you don’t want this wedding to happen! Because you have something against my mom! Or your dad! Or the whole family, for all I know!”
Yeah. So, clearly she wasn’t giving up on her whole monster theory.
I sighed. “So, then… Fuck it. Let’s do it again.”
Her head whipped around to me. “What?”
“The damage is done, right? You’ve already fucked your stepbrother and enjoyed it.”
Her mouth fell open.
“You already have to live with the dirty secret. Your mom would already hate it if she found out, right?”
“Whatthe fuckare you saying right now?” she whispered.
“Jacob would hate it, too. He’d hate it even more if we did it again. But either way, we can’t change that it already happened. They’ll already freak if they find out, right? So, why not just do it again?”
Jolie blinked at me, spluttering a little as she searched for words. “You’re not seriously trying to get in my pants right now.”
“Maybe I am.”
“Because doing shit that pisses off my family is a beloved pastime of mine,” I told her honestly.
And, honestly, the more I was around her the more I was convinced that fucking her again would be extremely enjoyable.