Page 63 of Irresistible Rogue
Dani rolled her eyes.
“No one’s catching feelings!” I almost shouted. My cousins looked at me. “I am not catching any feelings for—” I lowered my voice like he could feel me talking about him right now, wherever he was, “Shane Madrigal. And he is not catching feelings for me.”
Dani tapped her champagne flute to mine. “That’s my girl.”
“And I am not fucking him!” I hissed.
Dani frowned. Then she sighed. “And I had such hopes for you. You’re really taking after Danica in a disturbing way.”
Danica smirked. “There’s always hope for Charlotte,” she said of our youngest cousin. “Maybe you can corrupt her instead.”
Dani gave a feral smile and sipped her champagne.
I gulped mine. We’d just pulled up in front of Aunt Madeleine’s townhouse, and she slid into the limo, her curves wrapped in a knockout little black dress. It really was kind of depressing when you knew that your hot aunt was probably gonna turn the heads of more young men than you were.
“What are we drinking and what are we talking about, ladies?” she asked, and I held up the champagne bottle.
“How soon we can corrupt Charlotte,” Dani said, holding out a glass as I poured, and the limo got rolling again.
Madeleine frowned. “She’s not coming tonight, is she?”
“Mireille won’t let her come,” Danica said.
“Good,” Madeleine said. “At least wait until she turns nineteen next month and she’s legal in bars before you debauch her.”
Dani smirked at me. “We’ll see.”
That night, my twin cousins and I took my mom, their mom, and our other two aunts out for the night of their middle-aged lives. “I haven’t had that much fun since I screwed the healer at an ayahuasca retreat!” exclaimed Dani and Danica’s mom, Marie, as we dropped her off back at home.
Okay, so Marie had been a bit wild in her younger days.
And Madeleinewasa secret Dominatrix. (At least, that was what I’d been told by my cousins.)
But still. I was pretty sure Aunt Mireille had never had a male bartender do a “hooter shooter” out of her cleavage before. And Mom was actually pretty chill about the whole thing. She’d smiled all night and even drank shooters with us. We’d taken her out to a hot bar and she’d had fun seeing all of us have fun, even if the conversation was a bit raunchy for her tastes.
After we’d dropped them all safely back at home, Dani insisted the night wasn’t over yet. “It’s only twelve-thirty. We can still make last call at like, so many bars!”
So, we headed to this hot Mexican cantina place called the Burner Room. We texted our girlfriends to tell anyone who was out prowling to meet us there.
And we arrived in plenty of time. The bar would still be pouring for a while. We snagged a great group of tables and I ordered a frosty lime margarita. Alyssa, who lived nearby, had arrived at our table almost as fast as my drink had.
Everything was going just wonderfully, when a wisp of men’s cologne drifted up my nose, a dark voice slithered into my ear and a stubbled jaw brushed my neck. “That looks tasty.”
I screamed and jumped a mile, slopping my margarita in my lap.
I spun on my stool and grabbed at the table, clinging on so I didn’t hit the floor. I righted myself awkwardly, so close to laughing uncontrollably that I snorted instead.
“Who does that?!” I shouted at Shane, who was standing over me with a gorgeous, evil smile. “Just say hello and respect my personal space like a normal person!”
He picked up my margarita glass and downed what remained of my drink, like the barn animal he was.
“Seriously, who raised you?” I’d had many encounters with his dad, meals included, and the man was the epitome of class. It was stunning how far the adopted apple had rolled away from that tree. “That was my drink.”
“So? We’ll get more.” And with that, he was off to the bar.